One More Bit Related to Charlottesville

…and the attack on Southern heritage (according to some, who have nothing to do with any hate group) or on symbols of slavery and oppression (according to some others, who also have nothing to do with any hate group).  This one is by Steven Hayward of Powerline:

So we seem to be on our way to tearing down every statue related to the Democratic Party’s largest achievement in American history—the Confederate States of America. Funny how the Confederate battle flag, and now statues, didn’t start to come down until Republicans became ascendant in southern states. Democrats who had a monopoly grip on the South for decades had lots of time to take these steps, but didn’t. You’d almost think they were opportunists.


The Communist Worker’s Paradise

Here’s an example, People’s Republic of China style.  Including the fact that gender discrimination in the workplace is illegal in the PRC, while its governments at all levels blithely ignore those laws.

[A]bout 22% of women have experienced severe or very severe discrimination when seeking employment, according to Zhaopin Ltd, an online recruiter. … That percentage rose to about 43% for women with graduate degrees.


A trawl through job listings on Boss Zhipin, the recruitment site, showed some tech companies state explicitly that positions are just for men.

An e-commerce marketing job at NetEase Inc, one of the largest internet companies in China, recently stated that only male candidates need to apply because “the job is tough and stressful.

It begins early on in their society.

Parents often tell their daughters they won’t be good at math or physics or coding.

Welcome to paradise.

Obamacare and Drug Abuse

From a Wall Street Journal op-ed, come a couple of very telling statistics regarding the opioid addiction epidemic.

…overdose deaths per million residents rose twice as fast in the 29 Medicaid expansion states—those that increased eligibility to 138% from 100% of the poverty line—than in the 21 non-expansion states between 2013 and 2015.


There were also marked disparities between neighboring states based on whether they opted into ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion. Deaths increased twice as much in New Hampshire (108%) and Maryland (44%)—expansion states—than in Maine (55%) and Virginia (22%). Drug fatalities shot up by 41% in Ohio while climbing 3% in non-expansion Wisconsin.

This also reflects…interestingly…on those Republican Representatives and Senators who chose to vote against rolling back the Medicaid expansion part of Obamacare.

The Racist Double Standard

The NLMSM and the Left, and too many virtue signaling Republicans are decrying President Donald Trump for his castigation of both sides for the violence inflicted during the Charlottesville protest riots last weekend.  The image below, though, gives the lie to that false crying and that demand to call out only the white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and Nazi wannabes for their part in the violence.

Clearly, this flamethrower is being wielded by a “counter-” protester, a man of the Left.  Just as clearly, he came prepared to inflict his assault.  This terrible violence is what the folks above, and people who should know better, like Stephen Hayes and Juan Williams, insist should be ignored with only the hate groups of the “right” called out.  The hatred and bigotry evident in this image can’t possibly be on the same plane as the hatred and the bigotry of the “right’s” hate groups.  The Left’s hate groups are special.

This is racism in full throat from the Left, and those claiming to be on the right agreeing with them should be ashamed of themselves.


Separately, notice my use of quotes around “right.”  I wrote this in an earlier post, and I’ll repeat it here; it wants emphasizing.  Hate groups aren’t part of the right or the left, they’re just part of Hate.  They’re on only one side, their own.


German businesses better add women to their governances.  Or else Germany’s Großer Bruder will do it for them.  Regardless of qualification.

Big German companies need to put more women on their executive boards, said Germany’s Women’s Affairs Minister Katarina Barley. The official threatened legal measures if the firms fail to fix the problem within the year.

Bad idea.

Quotas just stigmatize those who got in via quota, whether they were truly qualified for the position or not.  And those who are not, and so fail, only strengthen the stigma.  Quotas are especially damaging to black women.  My GP was contemptuously treated as a twofer in med school because she allegedly filled two squares: she’s a woman, and she’s black.  It stinks.

The way to get more favored group into organization is to train those folks up for those positions in the first place so they can compete effectively.  That means the educational system needs to do a better job of training women to lead businesses (to take the present example) and to convince them they want to compete for those positions—which the German educational system already does, it seems, for boys and men.

That, though, would take time—years, a generation or two or three—and politicians (Germany’s are not unique here) don’t care about tomorrow, only about today.  And today’s virtue signaling.