Tax Breaks

In particular, child tax credits and their proposed expansion, but the principle below applies across the board.

…pair the expansion of the child tax credit with extensions of expiring business-tax provisions, some of which have Democratic support.

Pairing in order to get the credit passed, one being a bell for the other’s whistle.  Refundable credits, too, so those who don’t pay much, if any, income tax can get their own taste. Here’s Progressive-Democratic Party Presidential candidate Joe Biden’s offer on the credit:

…a temporary expansion of the child tax credit that would bump the $2,000-per-child credit to $3,000 for most children and to $3,600 for those under age 6. He would expand the credit to include 17-year-olds and allow monthly payments, so families wouldn’t need to wait for lump sums at tax-filing time.
Mr Biden’s proposal would cost more than $100 billion a year.

Leave aside the fact that refundability is spending increase, not taxing cut.

Here’s a better idea: lower income tax rates (permanently) across the board, for both businesses and individuals.

Leaving all that money in the private economy, which is to say in the hands of the businesses and individuals who are earning the money, pays far more benefits far more quickly, running from the folks more efficiently spending their money than can any government spend it for them through businesses having more—again, of their own—money for capital improvement, product/service development, R&D, wages, hiring.

All that increased economic activity—real activity, not the fiction of government spending as economic activity—is what will help families with children. And if Government—or rather the politicians populating Government—take the additional step of not singling out particularly favored groups of Americans for special treatment, that increased economic activity will particularly help minority families, who are the ones most needful of access to that increasing prosperity.

Another Reason

…why neither the People’s Republic of China nor the World Health Organization can be trusted.

Opposition from the Chinese government is preventing participants in a World Health Organization meeting on the Covid-19 pandemic from learning directly about one of the world’s biggest coronavirus success stories.
Taiwan hasn’t recorded a locally transmitted coronavirus infection in about seven months but has been blocked from participating in a virtual gathering this week [last week as this is posted] of the WHO’s 194-member World Health Assembly because of objections from Beijing, which considers the self-ruled island part of its territory.

WHO was carefully silent on the shunning, mindful of its master’s requirements.

Never mind that the Republic of China just might have some ideas on how to control the Wuhan Virus.

This is the WHO that Joe Biden wants us to cozy up to.

This is the PRC that Joe Biden wants us to trust so.

Mutual Trust

…requires mutuality. Progressive-Democratic Party Presidential candidate Joe Biden is preaching unity, bipartisanship, and trust. However, The Wall Street Journal, in its Tuesday edition, noted that

Biden will be under intense scrutiny from his left flank, which is already calling on him to shun incremental change in favor of an ambitious agenda and to populate his administration with progressives.


Biden has shown himself since to be utterly untrustworthy.

His positions are unreliable; he’s flip-flopped on far too many principles, from the Hyde Amendment, to fracking bans, to the Green New Deal, and more.

forge deals in which each side wins something

He no longer adheres to that–it’s the Progressive-Democrat way or nothing all. That’s House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D, CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D, NY) position, and Biden has not once disputed with them over that. Not with a single syllable.

Operate in confidentiality

But only Progressive-Democrat confidentiality. Congressmen Adam Schiff (D, CA) and Jerry Nadler (D, NY), among many others, leak freely and selectively from confidential meetings. Here, too, Biden is carefully silent. He offers not a syllable of objection to such breaches, not a syllable of objection to leaks by others of confidential Presidential phone calls between President Donald Trump and other heads of state.

Attack ideas and not personalities

Biden has had nothing but ad hominem smears against Trump throughout his campaign, from his primary contests to his  general election campaign.

His fellow Progressive-Democrats and his extra-Party supporters on the Left are busily compiling enemies lists of all worked for Trump or supported him—all 72 million of us, since they include voters. Biden actively supports these tools of hatred and political tyranny with his considered decision to not denounce the lists and his list makers.

It’s not possible to arrive at bipartisan proposals with so untrustworthy a negotiating “partner.”

There can be no trust of Biden since he has no trust of us.

Foreign Takeovers of Domestic Companies

Great Britain is concerned with

strik[ing] a middle ground between welcoming foreign investment and protecting strategic industries from takeover, particularly amid concerns around acquisitions by Chinese state-backed companies.


Under…proposed rules, investors would have to notify the government about transactions involving 17 sectors including nuclear, artificial intelligence, transport, energy, and defense.

That would seem to make a foreign investment law unnecessarily byzantine, and require revisiting at some aperiodic intervals.  After all, what’s not strategic today might turn out strategic tomorrow. This is illustrated by the timing of this proposal.

The rules update a takeover regime dating back 20 years that the government says is no longer adequate.

Well, NSS.

I have a better idea (also because I don’t lack for hubris). Don’t worry about strategic sectors. Bar all foreign takeover transactions unless and until they’re approved by a CFIUS-like facility. It would work for us, too.