One Face of Terrorism

Just as soon as Israel accepted an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire Hamas fired 47 rockets killing one Israeli citizen.  Anyone who has followed the conflict could have predicted this with certainty; the point of a ceasefire—for a terrorist organization—is to break it for exactly the same reason it purposely attacks women and children.

Dr Anna Geifman expanded on this:

[C]hildren are the last consecrated absolute. …militant nihilism strives to ruin first and foremost what their contemporaries hold sacred.


Random, en masse brutality against civilians—emblematic for the 20th-century terror—culminated in a spectacular act of apocalyptic destruction on 9/11.

Moral Equivalence Pollution

As the Palestinian Authority’s rocket attacks on Israeli cities proceeds apace, the United States supported a unanimously passed UN Security Council “press statement” calling for an immediate cease fire on Saturday. Because Israel acting, militarily this time, to protect its people from this murderous assault is of a piece with the terrorism that is the assault.

The Iraqi Army and ISIS

This is how the Iraqi “army” now is confronting the ISIS terrorists after those Iraqi persons won their foot race out of the Mosul and Tikrit:

In the western city of Haditha, tribal leaders were in talks on Tuesday with ISIS militants to negotiate the surrender of Iraqi security forces….

That’s right—this “fighting” force is hiding behind the backsides of elders.

And this:

…local tribal leaders negotiated the peaceful surrender of the last of the Iraqi soldiers trapped in the oil refinery at Beiji.

That oil refinery is was Iraq’s largest.

More Sanctions…Sort Of…And Moral Equivalence

In President Barack Obama’s latest round of pretend sanctions, he’s targeting 17 companies supposedly linked to Russia’s Tsar President Vladimir Putin along with 7 more oligarchs. But don’t take it personally, Vlad, Obama assures all concerned, this isn’t intended to, like, hurt. It’s just that flexibility I talked about a couple years ago.

The goal here is not to go after Mr Putin personally[.]

The Wall Street Journal took note of Obama’s cynical moral equivalence shortly after his assurance.

What Hath the Kerry/Obama Axis Wrought?

Hamas, a terrorist organization that has murdered thousands of Israelis with random rocket shots into urban areas, at children’s schools, etc, has joined forces with Fatah, the sort-of government of Palestine to form a unity government.

Given Hamas’ declared intent to destroy Israel as a polity, as a society, and as a people, this unity government will be unified in its efforts to destroy Israel. As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu noted from this

He [Mahmoud Abbas, Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization] must choose. Does he want reconciliation of Hamas, or peace with Israel? He can have one but not both.

What Ayaan Hirsi Ali Might Have Said

…at Brandeis University, had the school’s…management (I hesitate to say leadership)…not been so cowardly.  Following is excerpted from her op-ed in The Wall Street Journal (RTWT).

So I ask: Is the concept of holy war compatible with our ideal of religious toleration?  Is it blasphemy—punishable by death—to question the applicability of certain seventh-century doctrines to our own era?  Both Christianity and Judaism have had their eras of reform.  I would argue that the time has come for a Muslim Reformation.

Is such an argument inadmissible?  It surely should not be at a university that was founded in the wake of the Holocaust, at a time when many American universities still imposed quotas on Jews.

Another Blow

…in the Progressives’ war on diversity, this one struck against the concept of free speech.

Brandeis University in Massachusetts announced Tuesday that it had withdrawn the planned awarding of an honorary degree to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a staunch critic of Islam and its treatment of women….

Their “rationale?”

She is a compelling public figure and advocate for women’s rights, and we respect and appreciate her work to protect and defend the rights of women and girls throughout the world.  That said, we cannot overlook certain of her past statements that are inconsistent with Brandeis University’s core values.

Ukrainian Independence

Ukraine’s overwhelming vote for independence from Russia in 1991, including those oblasts in the southeast where Ukrainians of Russian ethnicity live and the Crimea oblast, whose population is majority Ukrainians of Russian ethnicity, has been confirmed by a March 2014 Gallup poll, a poll that covered all of Ukraine, including occupied Crimea.

Ukrainians of all backgrounds and from every corner of the country reject Vladimir Putin’s decision to send Russian troops to Ukraine to protect Russian-speaking Ukrainians, with 81% of those surveyed expressing opposition to the move and 13% in favor.

And note especially:


Secretary of State John Kerry says he’s going to reevaluate US’ participation in the “peace” talks between Israel and the Palestinians.  With his centerpiece diplomatic effort failing as sadly laughably as his failure vis-à-vis Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and subsequent occupation of a major part of it, Kerry now says this about his “peace” talks:

We are going to evaluate very carefully exactly where this is and where it might possibly be able to go….

And, with this administration’s insistence on the amorality of moral equivalence, Kerry added this:

Compare and Contrast

First, the VA strikes again; Todd Starnes has this sorry…tale.

A choir from the Alleluia Community School, a high school in Augusta, GA, was told—when they arrived to perform at the Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center, and not before—that they could sing about Frosty the Snowman.  They were explicitly barred from singing such offensive songs as “Silent Night,” “Joy to the World,” and “O Come All Ye Faithful” because the American veterans there, all of whom had fought for our country and suffered the consequences of those fights, couldn’t bear the stress of hearing such carols.