Who is the EU Backing, Really?

EU member nations, including those that also are members of NATO, are loudly supporting economic sanctions against Russia—except for Russian oil and natural gas—and sending arms to Ukraine—except for fighter jets and tanks and other armored weapons (Czech Republic is a notable and honorable exception) needed to drive the barbarian completely from Ukraine—in enthusiastically outspoken response to Vladimir Putin’s Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Now we see the graphic evidence of the atrocities that the Russian invaders are inflicting, as a matter of state policy, on Ukrainian civilians, including women and children. Bucha is just one example. Another is Putin’s targeting of a train station in Kramartorsk, waiting until it was filled with civilians trying to evacuate from the city before sending in the strike.

And yet,

But the shame is that the EU still won’t ban the import of Russian oil and gas. This means that each day Europe is subsidizing Russia’s war by financing the Kremlin.

Each day that the EU subsidizes Putin’s war on Ukraine, the EU is consciously subsidizing Putin’s campaign of butchery, rape, war crimes.

I ask again: Who is the EU backing, really?

Biden’s Timidity on International Display

President Joe Biden’s (D) timidity before Russian President Vladimir Putin is illustrated internationally by his embassy moves.

Recall that when Putin invaded Ukraine and threatened Kyiv, Biden ordered his American embassy to cut and run relocate west to Lviv. When Lviv came under air attack, Biden ordered his American embassy to quit Ukraine altogether and run off relocate to Poland.

Recall further that the Prime Ministers of Poland, Czech Republic, and Slovenia, along with the EU’s President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola—while Kyiv still was under threat of Russian capture—visited with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv. Biden, on the other hand, even though he went to Europe while Kyiv was under siege—to Brussels and later to Rzeszow, Poland—was too timid to travel to Kyiv and meet with Zelenskyy on Zelenskyy’s (besieged) home ground.

It gets worse.

Now that the barbarian has withdrawn from the vicinity of Kyiv and Ukrainian forces have retaken and are consolidating national control over much of northern Ukraine [emphasis added]

Turkey…became the first major nation to send diplomats back to Kyiv….
Turkey’s embassy, which had relocated to the western Ukrainian city of Chernivtsi [never leaving Ukraine], reopened in Kyiv and will resume consular services, it said on social media. The US, by contrast, currently doesn’t have any diplomatic presence on Ukrainian soil, with embassy staff operating from Poland.

Even with Kyiv safe from Russian occupation, Biden has no intention of having his State Department move his embassy back to Kyiv. Biden has no intention of visiting with Zelenskyy in the latter’s Presidential Office Building, or even of sending his Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin or CJCS General Mark Milley to meet with the leaders of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, whose offices also are in the Presidential Office Building.

The Biden-Harris administration is an utter embarrassment to our nation.

All Lives Don’t Matter

Certainly not in Colorado.

[Governor Jaried, (D)] Polis signed HB 22-1279, the “Reproductive Health Equity Act,” which the governor said “codifies a person’s fundamental right to make reproductive health-care decisions free from government interference.”

And this:

A fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus does not have independent or derivative rights under the laws of this state[.]

Baby’s lives don’t matter; the State and anyone residing in it are free to murder unborn babies, and those babies don’t even get a voice to speak for them in court. This pretty much says it all regarding Colorado’s Polis (D) and the State’s Progressive-Democratic Party-controlled legislature.

But not quite. There’s this, too, in this…law:

The law prohibits state and local public entities from denying, restricting, interfering with, or discriminating against a person’s right to…have an abortion. It also bars public entities from restricting abortion due to the individual’s “potential, actual, or perceived impact on the pregnancy, the pregnancy’s outcomes, or the pregnant individual’s health.”

The persons being called upon to execute the abortion, whether private or public, are barred from refusing to do so due to that person’s religious beliefs. This Progressive-Democrat move also is a naked assault on religion and on simple conscience.

Will It Be The End?

Major portions of the press are convinced that a Republican sweep in the coming mid-term elections would spell the end for our nation. A recent Fox News headline reads,

CNN, MSNBC, NBC, and more worry about bloodbath for the Democrats in midterms: “The end of our country”

To which I say, if by “our” they mean CNN‘s, MSNBC‘s, NBC‘s, et al.‘s version of the country, I certainly hope so.

Those…outlets…support in the most vociferous way the racism and sexism of identity politics and Big Government’s utter contempt for us average Americans. They do not share even their Progressive movement founder Theodore Roosevelt’s insistence on an economic system under which each man shall be guaranteed the opportunity to show the best that there is in him. They do not support a nation in which equal opportunity exists, where all of us—each of us—are equal under law and before God. They demand equality of outcome, which cancels (to coin a term) any ability each man to show [his] best.

They demand that only (Progressive-)Democrats must be elected.

The Barbarian on His Redeployment

Russian President Vladimir Putin is redeploying some of his forces away from the vicinity of Kyiv. He’s also ordering his hordes to lay booby traps that would do Daesh proud.  Per Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (as cited by The Wall Street Journal):

[R]etreating Russian forces had placed mines in houses, laid trip wires and booby-trapped corpses.

And this:

The [Bucha, just northwest of Kyiv] city council said a confectionery factory in Bucha had been mined by the Russian military before it departed.

Never mind the lack of military importance of this sort of installation. Certainly, sugar can be used to make a variety of bombs, but to the extent that’s the case, the militarily appropriate act would have been simply to destroy the factory. This was done solely to inflict more civilian casualties.

And at a private residence in Velyka Dymerka, a village just northeast of Kyiv, a returning resident filmed the damage done by Russians:

In a kennel outside, his dog lay dead, apparently shot. “Why would you kill it?”

Because barbarism.