It’s Not Only That

The Wall Street Journal notes that the Federal Reserve says it makes its determinations based on what the data tell it, and then the WSJ notes that the Fed has been wildly wrong lately and lays that off to data volatility. The failures, it seems, are in the Fed’s data dependency.

The Fed says it sets policy based on incoming data, especially on inflation and jobs. And those data have been both unreliable and far more volatile than usual….

The WSJ then provides its definition of data dependency:

“[D]ata dependency” has come to mean looking only at recent data, ignoring projections for the effects of interest rates on the economy in future.

The problems with this definition are two. In the first place, projections of the future are just guesses, even if somewhat informed by current data. As a great 20th century American philosopher understood, it’s tough to make projections, especially into the future.

The other problem is that this definition of data dependency wholly ignores realized, empirical data: those that have occurred before “recent.” Decent data reliance requires those past data be included, even if as estimates of the underlying trend through that empirical past into “today” (and some little way into the future).

More…Misguided…Pressure Against Israel

Once again, the Biden-Harris, or Harris-Biden, administration is targeting Israel rather than the terrorists bent on Israel’s destruction. This time it’s through their SecDef and SecState, Lloyd Austin and Antony Blinken, respectively.

In a letter to senior Israeli officials, dated October 13 and signed by Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, the US blamed Israel for a drastic drop in humanitarian aid into Gaza that contributed to starvation and widespread suffering, particularly in the enclave’s north….

This Progressive-Democrat administration went on to threaten Israel with a cutoff of American support, including cutting off “security aid:”

Blinken and Austin specifically cite a part of Foreign Assistance Act that bars the US from providing security aid to any nation that “prohibits or otherwise restricts, directly or indirectly, the transport or delivery of United States humanitarian assistance.”

They don’t care that it’s Hamas that’s applying the “restrictions”—directly, and through stealing the aid coming in, and by threatening the aid flow and the corridors for transporting the aid that Israel is trying to protect.

It’s telling that this Executive Branch isn’t applying a single minim of pressure on Hamas delaying, reducing, and outright blocking the flow of aid into Gaza.