“Just Another Use of Fossil Fuels”

There’s a move afoot to produce hydrogen as an energy source by fracturing natural gas into its hydrogen and carbon and oxygen components, the latter two typically as CO2 (and then capturing the CO2 and sequestering it). The foolishness of trying to use hydrogen as an energy source is for another day. What interests me here is the beef from the Global Warming Know Betters who see [fracturing natural gas] as just another use of fossil fuels.

Those august persons, then, must object to our several materials industries, in which natural gas, oil, and coal are major inputs to plastics.

Oh, wait—they hate plastics, too.

A Censure

Representative Rich McCormick’s (R, GA) proposed censure of Michigan Progressive-Democrat Representative Rashida Tlaib was passed by the House Tuesday night 234-188. Twenty-two of Tlaib’s fellow Progressive-Democrat Representatives voted to approve the censure, so rank is her bigotry.

Included in the censure resolution that was voted up were such bigotries as these:

Whereas Representative Rashida Tlaib, within 24 hours of the October 7 barbaric attack on Jewish citizens of the State of Israel, representing the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust, defended the brutal rapes, murders, be-headings, and kidnapping—including of Americans—by Hamas as justified “resistance” to the “apartheid state”


Whereas on October 18, 2023, Representative Tlaib continued to knowingly spread the false narrative that Israel intentionally bombed the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital on October 17 after United States intelligence, Israeli intelligence, and President Biden assessed with high confidence that Israel did not cause the explosion


Whereas on November 3, 2023, Representative Tlaib published on social media a video containing the phrase “from the river to the sea”, which is widely recognized as a genocidal call to violence to destroy the state of Israel and its people to replace it with a Palestinian state extending from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea

Tlaib also is on two subcommittees each of the House Financial Services, Natural Resources, and Oversight and Reform committees. She needs to be removed from those committees and consigned to the back bench.

The Censure Resolution can be read here.