Progressive-Democrats’ Assault on American Energy and Americans’ Health

In addition to Progressive-Democratic President Joe Biden’s and his Cabinet cronies’ direct assault on our ability to produce our own energy (among the latest attacks is this), Biden and his syndicate are attacking our energy use through attacking us ordinary Americans in our homes.

Here’s a partial list of devices we use to make our lives comfortable, even merely livable, in what used to be our castles—our homes:

  • Gas stoves
  • Ovens
  • Clothes washers
  • Refrigerators
  • Refrigerator freezers
  • Freezers
  • Air conditioners
  • Dishwashers
  • Pool pumps
  • Battery chargers
  • Ceiling fans
  • Dehumidifiers
  • Microwave ovens
  • Portable electric spas
  • Air compressors

Biden’s regulations are intended to price these things out of reach of our middle- and lower-income groups of citizens. Things, mind you, like food preparation and storage tools, hygiene devices, devices for heating and cooling our shelters.

This is the utter contempt Party has for us American citizens.

A Cynical Offer

Colony Ridge is a residential development just north of Houston which a number of reports claim

is a “colonia,” an “illegal alien settlement,” a haven for drug cartels and crime, among other accusations.

Most of those reports are from news outlets, so there’s that. Members of the Republican Party also are the source of some of those reports, so….

Nevertheless, what drew my eye was this offer by Colony Ridge CEO John Harris, which he made, made for today, in a letter to Texas’ State Congress politicians:

In order to refute these false accusations, we are inviting all legislators to tour and visit our community on October 5 at 11 AM. We will provide you a tour of the community, an overview of our operation and allow you to interact with our employees and customers[.]

And this: Legislators are required to RSVP.

Sure. Come at the carefully specified time, and only those vetted Congressmen will be “allowed in.” Nothing screams of careful sanitization and coverup more loudly than naming a permissible timeframe, by which the development will be carefully sanitized. Just like a visit to El Paso by Progressive-Democrat Joe Biden.


Texas’ Congressmen and Senators should call Harris’ hand and visit and walk through Colony Ridge on their own, individually or groups of their choosing, and they should do it at their own time and with no notice. And not all at once.