Humane, Progressive-Democrat Style

President Joe Biden (D) and his administration constantly brag about how humane his No Southern Border immigration policy is.

Here is the realization of that humaneness.

Since the start of the federal government’s 2022 fiscal year last October, authorities have found 609 bodies on the U.S. side of the southern border, according to internal U.S. Customs and Border Protection data obtained by the Washington Examiner and confirmed by three federal law enforcement officials.
The 609 figure is already higher than the 566 record set in all of 2021….

That compares with the previous administration’s Secured Southern Border immigration policy results.

This year’s current total is more than double the 300 bodies recovered in 2019 and 247 in 2020….

The raw, bland numbers mask the individual tragedies that go into them. For instance,

[a] young girl’s body being pulled from the water near El Paso, Texas last Monday. The river’s undercurrent had swept the girl from her mother’s arms. Both were from Guatemala.


[a] boy was killed separately near Eagle Pass, Texas in a similar drowning incident.


On Friday, US authorities found a 4-month-old infant and an 18-month-old toddler in Arizona’s Sonoran Desert, which borders Mexico. Smugglers left the young children in the desert “to die[.]”


A 2-month-old infant who was also found is currently fighting for his life in critical condition.

This is what happens when Progressive-Democrats succeed in pushing their own policy of illegal alien immigration, all in the name of humaneness, a policy that actively encourages masses of people to trek across Mexico, risking the nation’s arid heat and the nation’s drug and human trafficking cartel population, in order to become illegal aliens in the US.

This is what Progressive-Democrats see as humane.

More Disingenuosity

President Joe Biden (D) has refused, since his cancelation of so much student loan debt, to identify who will pay for that cancelation, since the affected students won’t be paying for it themselves.

It gets worse—or better, for those in the Progressive-Democratic Party and their supporters who have such contempt for us average Americans. Either Biden and his minions couldn’t be bothered to run a cost analysis of the Biden Giveaway, or he did, and he’s refusing to let us unwashed see it.

The Leftist Brookings Institution does offer an excuse, though. Andre Perry, Senior Fellow at the Institution’s Brookings Metro:

This is hard to analyze because you need to look at the potential benefits or costs of people getting relief and how that may strengthen the economy. The federal financial aid program is one of the most difficult things to study and write about because these loans are not usually paid back all at once, but over decades—if they’re paid back at all.

It’s hard, so why should we have to bother? Never mind that now lots more of these loans won’t be paid back at all, which lightens that oh so difficult analysis. If one was done at all.

Never mind, either, that if Biden has no clue of the cost of his giveaway, of course he has no clue of who among us will be picking up the tab.
