CDC Fail


The CDC’s latest “guidance” directly contradicts and rescinds its immediately latest “guidance,” issued just weeks ago.

CDC’s latest guess is this:

[c]larified that healthcare facilities, including nursing homes, have discretion on whether to screen-test asymptomatic personnel. It also now says asymptomatic patients “in general” do not require “empiric use of Transmission-Based Precautions”

Because the vaccines aren’t all that. British cardiologist Aseem Malhotra, Visiting Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine at Brazil’s Bahiana School of Medicine and Public Health:

By reanalyzing the randomized controlled trials used for emergency authorization and other medical reviews, Malhotra concluded it takes thousands of vaccinations in the non-elderly population “to prevent a single death” from COVID and that severe adverse events are more likely than prevented hospitalizations.

CDC is only just getting around to doing the relevant research that would have identified this apparent ineffectiveness or objectively refuted it. Instead, we just get another rotation of the CDC Guidance Weather Vane.

It’s time for a general elimination, and replacement, of CDC managers from mid-level on up to the Sobbing Doomsayer herself, Director Rochelle Walensky. The agency as currently manned is useless.

But We Need to Take your Guns Away

A bad guy armed with a shotgun walked into a Florida store with the intent of robbing it. And bragged about being “from Chicago” in the process.

I got a big (expletive) (expletive) gun, but I’m not from around here is what I’m saying. I’m from Chicago bro.

Then, as paraphrased by Fox News, this armed thug

 ask[ed] the employee what kind of weapon he is holding.

Which the employee showed him, whereupon the thug left.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, the county where the attempted armed robbery occurred, has the right of it [emphasis added]:

He then fumbles for words, resorting to meaningless babble about being from Chicago. Words seem to fail you when your felony attempt is thwarted by lawful and righteous force.

But the Progressive-Democratic Party and its (what has become) mainstream Leftist supporters want us all disarmed. The store’s employee should have been left unarmed, helpless, and possibly murdered during the course of this robbery attempt.

Only an Inch

That’s how much President Joe Biden (D) said inflation rose, after it rose more than 8% in August.

It’s about to get worse.

Earlier this month, the NEADA [National Energy Assistance Directors Association] projected that the average cost to heat a home would increase by 17.2% since last winter, rising from $1,025 to $1,202. Heating oil costs will jump an estimated 54% to $1,876, while natural gas costs may increase 24% to $709, according to the NEADA.

Nick Loris, Public Policy‘s C3 Solutions Vice President, emphasized the impact on those in the lower economic strata—”folks” Biden pretends so piously to care about:

[M]ore money dedicated to paying for heat means fewer resources are essential for human well-being[.]

And that means

…will be regressive, hurting the poor the most since they spend a higher percentage of their budget on energy costs[.]

I suppose that’s only another inch of increase in Biden’s mind, though, so it’s all good.

European Union Sanctions on Russia

Another round is in the offing, possibly this week or next. And there’s this hopeful claim of the EU:

EU officials say privately and publicly that the sanctions are inflicting serious damage on Russia’s economy and military….

No doubt sanctions are an important part of a necessary “all of the above” suite of moves to support Ukraine in its defense against the barbarian. But are they strong enough themselves? Will the new round be materially stronger?

After all: how many battalions have the sanctions forced Putin to withdraw from Ukraine? How many battalions have the sanctions in concert with other moves forced the barbarian to withdraw?


The pain inflicted on the barbarian isn’t enough. It needs to be orders of magnitude stronger. The sanctions have to be orders of magnitude stronger. The only places in the world with which the barbarian should be allowed to do business of any sort are withing Russia and with the PRC, northern Korea, and Iran. And those need to be tightened down, also.


The subheadline has the question:

Why is Joe Biden skipping Shinzo Abe’s funeral in Japan?

Never mind that Japan has been a staunch ally of ours since the middle of the last century. Never mind that Abe has been a staunch ally of ours his entire time in office and during his nominally retired years.

The other members of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue—the Quad—are going to be there to pay their respects.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese are set to attend the ceremony alongside Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.

Regardless of all of that, our President Joe Biden (D) stiffed Abe, and our ally Japan, at his funeral. Biden couldn’t be troubled to make the trip and attend. Instead, Biden sent Vice President Kamala Harris (D), tsar of everything in the Biden administration and doer of nothing, to take up that space.