Government-Run Medicine

France provides its own example, after Great Britain’s NHS, of the nightmare that is Government medicine.  Consider France’s nursing folks homes and the nation’s red tape.

The few hours it took to give the first coronavirus vaccine shots to 14 residents of the John XXIII nursing home…took weeks of preparation.
The home’s director, Samuel Robbe, first had to chew his way through a dense 61-page vaccination protocol, one of several hefty guides from the French government that exhaustively detail how to proceed, down to the number of times (10) that each flask of vaccine should be turned upside down to mix its contents.
“Delicately,” the booklet stipulates. “Do not shake.”


After the European Union green-lighted use of the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine in December, Robbe says it took two weeks to put together all the pieces to this week vaccinate 14 residents, just a fraction of his total of more than 100.

This is the level of red tape and speed of performance we can expect from Joe Biden’s Medicare for All demand. Especially since our Progressive-Democrats are as enamored of red tape as is the French government. All that coming American red tape, after all, represents Biden’s promise of “good union jobs,” here good Government union jobs.

Vive les syndicats. Vive la bureaucratie.

Canceling Objectivity

Now it’s being made completely manifest in the ivy-coated halls.

The Institute of Politics at the Harvard Kennedy School, citing Congresswoman Elise Stefanik’s (R, NY) “incorrect” claims about voter fraud in the November election, has removed her from its Senior Advisory Committee.

Harvard couldn’t, however, cancel rocks.

Douglas Elmendorf, the school’s dean, said he had first asked her to resign, but she declined.

Stefanik has bigger rocks than the Wonders of Harvard.

Harvard isn’t interested in actual advice, only in echo chamber validation of predetermined choices.

Separately, this is a lady that has places to be in a future Federal Executive Branch should she tire of Congress.