Little Satan and Great Satan

PLO Secretary General and head of the PLO’s Negotiations Affairs Department, Saeb Erekat is infected with the Wuhan Virus. He had been handling his treatment from his West Bank home, but his condition worsened, so he was transferred to a hospital Sunday.

In Tel Aviv.

Erekat also has one of the several comorbidities associated with particularly severe and potentially lethal Wuhan Virus infections. He had a lung transplant three years ago, and he has a depressed immune system from the drugs necessary to minimize organ rejection.

The lung transplant was performed in the United States.

In the words of Walter Cronkite, “What’s going on here?” How is a PLO mucky-muck running around in two versions of Hell?

What’s up with the PLO hypocrisy?

Biden Supporters

Team Save America tried to hold a rally in San Francisco last Saturday, and they were attacked, many beaten, one had a tooth knocked out by the Leftist gang of thugs known as antifa.

They planned to rally at United Nations Plaza before moving the protest to Twitter’s headquarters a few blocks away. But the event quickly devolved into a shouting match and violence as hundreds of counterprotesters stormed the scene.

As Philip Anderson, an organizer of Team Save America’s protest and the one whose tooth was knocked out, said,

This is what happens when you lose free speech. This is what happens, America. This is what our country is turning into.

This is what Progressive-Democratic Party Presidential candidate Joe Biden refuses to denounce.

This is the violent Leftist group that Biden refuses to denounce.