“Will No One Rid Us of this Troublesome Candidate?”

If you see Republicans/Conservatives in a restaurant, do not give them a moment’s peace. Come up in their faces.

Running Conservative politicians out of restaurants.

Extremist MAGA.

Extremist Republicans.

Republicans are semi-fascists.

Murder attempts against Republican Congressmen practicing baseball.

Overt threats against originalist/textualist Supreme Court Justices.

Murder attempts against Supreme Court Justices.

Overt lies about the troublesome candidate—e.g., would sign nationwide abortion ban, would cut Medicare.

Manufactured desire to put blacks back in chains.

Openly false fact “checking.”

He’s a threat to democracy.

The list of these lies and smears and assault-encouraging rhetoric by Progressive-Democratic Party politicians, by the press, by the Left in general goes on and on.

The deliberate attempt to divide Americans from each other and to pit Americans against each other began in earnest with ex-President Barack Obama (D) and his openly expressed contempt for flyover country Americans, and it has been exploded by Progressive-Democrat President Joe Biden and his Vice President and Progressive-Democratic Party Presidential candidate Kamala Harris with their extremist MAGA distortions and abortion lies.

And now we have the second assassination attempt of Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump.

A second attempt that comes against the background of President Biden and his DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ refusal to increase Trump’s Secret Service security after the first attempt.

This is what the Progressive-Democratic Party politicians’ carefully divisive and inflammatory rhetoric has wrought. And will continue to wreak.

These two attempts to murder a political rival, even if they’re only attempts to murder a politician who happens to be a political rival, are reason enough to elect Trump. It’s time to demonstrate to the Left that they cannot dictate to us average Americans who our political candidates will be, much less who we will elect to represent us.


The Revisionist History Outlet more formally known as CNN is at it again. Regarding the death-by-terrorist-murder of the American-Israeli hostage, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, this is the outlet’s original headline on its Sunday article:

Israeli-American hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin has died, family confirms via statement

After having been called out for their perfidious distortion aimed at whitewashing the terrorism and terrorists involved in the man’s murder, CNN “revised” its headline:

Israel’s military says six hostages ‘brutally murdered’ in Gaza, including Israeli-American Goldberg-Polin

The outlet didn’t even acknowledge the misstatement in its headline, not anywhere in its article. All the outlet had was a bare statement at the article’s bottom that This story has been updated. News articles that are published online routinely get updated as more news, or more facts, become available. There’s not a minim in CNN‘s present case regarding “updating” its headline.

Instead, the outlet has simply, and sotto voce, changed its headline while pretending the history preceding that change never existed at all.

Biden-Harris Support of Anti-Israel Terrorism Made Manifest

The Biden-Harris administration is emphasizing its dislike of Israel and its support, increasingly untacit, for the terrorist Hamas.

President Biden claimed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not doing enough to secure a hostage deal with Hamas terrorists.

And this, in responding to a reporter’s question while he’s vacationing—again—in Delaware:

Mr President, do you think it’s time for Prime Minister Netanyahu to do more on this issue? Do you think he is doing enough?


I spoke to his [Hersh Goldberg-Polin’s] mom and dad, and we are not giving up. We are going to continue to push as hard as we can. Thank you[.]

Unfortunately, disgustingly, the pressure the “we” of the Biden-Harris administration promises to continue is on Israel. They don’t care that it’s Hamas that’s refusing every deal offered, including those to which Israel has agreed.

It would be better were the energy of that pressure applied to the terrorists and to the terrorists’ backer, Iran, instead.

But this administration, like his mentor’s administration (when Biden was Vice President) before it, actively does not like Israel and, apparently, Jews, to the extent the administration even makes excuses for the terrorists, demanding ceasefires that can only favor Hamas with their implementation.

This is the Progressive-Democratic Party

Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich wants Elon Musk arrested for…allowing free speech on his platform and for speaking freely himself. Reich actually said, with a straight face,

Musk’s free-speech rights under the first amendment don’t take precedence over the public interest.

That’s a Party leader saying that our American free speech rights, enshrined in our Constitution, are separate from the public interest.

Party is breathtakingly wrong on that. Free-speech rights are the public interest. Without freedom of speech, there is no public, only dependents of Government.

This is the Progressive-Democratic Party. Free speech is what Party says it is. Nothing else.

“Honest Mistake”

That’s the claim Maryland’s Progressive-Democrat Governor Wes Moore is making about his false claim of have earned a Bronze Star which he put on his application for a White House fellowship 18 years ago. At 27 years old, when he made his claim, Moore was old enough to know better. Somewhat older when he was discharged, he was still old enough to know better.

Moore’s claimed sequence of events:

While serving overseas with the Army, I was encouraged to fill out an application for the White House Fellowship by my deputy brigade commander. In fact, he helped me edit it before I sent it in.
At the time, he had recommended me for the Bronze Star. He told me to include the Bronze Star award on my application after confirming with two other senior-level officers that they had also signed off on the commendation.

So far, no problem. He was acting on his commander’s suggestion based on the award being recommended.


Moore said he was “disappointed to learn” that he hadn’t received the Bronze Star towards the end of his deployment.
“But I was ready to begin the next phase of my life, because the reward for service is never an award—it’s the opportunity to give back to your country. When I returned home, I was focused on helping my fellow veterans, a mission I continue to advance as governor,” he said.
“Still, I sincerely wish I had gone back to correct the note on my application. It was an honest mistake, and I regret not making that correction….”

That last is his lie, and it’s indicative of his stolen valor. He knew by the end of his deployment—his own words—that the recommendation for his being awarded the Bronze Star had been turned down. He knew, further, that medal recommendations often are turned down. His pious-sounding words of serving others being its own reward are given the lie by those words of his immediately following.

That level of military decoration is not something any service member forgets about. He chose to not bother to correct his fellowship application after he knew the recommendation for his Bronze Star had been turned down.

Moore knew better, and he knows better. It would have been easy enough to check at the end of his deployment—which he hadn’t needed to do; he already knew: his own words, again. At the very least, his DD214, which every serviceman is issued upon discharge or retirement, lists all the awards and decorations—medals—that the service member received. He chose not to correct his “error” until it became public.

Alongside Minnesota’s Progressive-Democrat Governor and Progressive-Democratic Party Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz’ stolen valor regarding his own lied-about retirement rank, this stolen valor behavior, this insult to our nation’s military personnel, both current and discharged/retired and those who’ve actually been in combat, been wounded or maimed, been killed defending our nation, is what Party does.