Progressive-Democrat Lawfare Harassment of Political Opponents

They’re spreading their warfare-via-law against political opponents far beyond former President and Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump. Now they’re attacking ex-Congresswomen who were treacherous enough to leave Party and to speak for herself and for average Americans even though she remains left of center.

Against the backdrop of the Biden-Wray FBI releasing into our nation a Pakistani, under “parole,” who was known to be plan[ning] an assassination of Donald Trump and other politicians, the Progressive-Democrat administration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is having their Transportation Security Administration place former Democrat Congresswoman and Army Reserve Lt Col Tulsi Gabbard onto the TSA’s Quiet Skies watchlist. That program is for TSA officers in airports to look hard at travelers [who] present an elevated risk to aviation security. The program also has

armed undercover marshals in airports and on planes keep tabs on passenger behaviors and movements they deemed noteworthy—including abrupt change of direction in the airport, fidgeting, having a “cold penetrating stare”, changing clothes, shaving, using phones, even using the bathroom—and send detailed observations to the TSA.

TSA is executing with enthusiasm, as Gabbard has confirmed:

She described how when she boarded a flight, TSA agents conducted a thorough screening, patting down every inch, searching all corners of her luggage, and individually inspected her electronic devices.
“I’ve got a couple of blazers in there, and they’re squeezing every inch of the entire collar, every inch of the sleeves, every inch of the edging of the blazers. They’re squeezing or padding down underwear, bras, workout clothes, every inch of every piece of clothing.”

Because Gabbard is that suspicious, while the assassin wannabe targeting a senior Republican politician, is none of that.

This is the Progressive-Democratic Party that wants to be the only party in power, controlling our House of Representatives, our Senate, and our White House, and from where they intend to castrate the final check on their government power, our Supreme Court.