One More Reason…

The Environmental Protection Agency is turning more and more into a Progressive-Democratic Party agenda protection agency and less and less devoted to protecting our environment. Recall that the EPA has been busily using some of its Inflation Reduction Act funding allocation to fund an outfit backing anti-Israel protests. It turns out that the EPA is using another tranche of its IRA allocation to fund groups that oppose immigration enforcement. The EPA received $3 billion for Environmental and Climate Justice block grants.

Here’s what the EPA is doing with those dollars:

EPA tapped Fordham University as a grantmaker to distribute $50 million, in collaboration with the New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC) and the New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice (NJAIJ).

Aside from those agencies having nothing to do with climate, as the WSJ‘s editors note (I note, also, that climate is only peripherally related to the EPA’s environment DOC), the NYIC (at the least) sees its immigration role as one of defunding and getting rid of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

This is just one more reason to abolish the EPA altogether and return its personnel, from Secretary on down to the janitors, to the private sector.

We do need an agency of some sort to protect the environment, but not this one, which is so badly damaged that it cannot be rehabilitated. The replacement needn’t be a huge and sprawling agency devoted to pseudo-science (atmospheric CO2 is more pollutant than plant food?), and so what’s used for the EPA’s budget needn’t be so monstrously huge, either. The difference could even be used to pay down some small part of the debt the Progressive-Democratic Party has been inflicting on our federal government.


California has been getting plenty of rain for a couple of years—the State even has declared its drought over—and so reservoirs are nearly full and aquifers are refilling.


…many farmers in Central Valley, America’s fruit and vegetable basket, will get just 40% of the federal water they are supposed to this year.
Why? Endangered fish.

The problem, to the extent it’s a legitimate problem (spoiler: it isn’t), is that those reservoirs and aquifers are in northern California, and the Central Valley…isn’t. That water must pass through the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to get to the Central Valley. Fish swim in the Delta, though, including some that are on the Endangered Species Act’s lists.

California’s environmentalists have functional control over the Delta, and they insist that fish are more important than food.

And downstream fallout—here’s just one example:

The nonprofit Latino Equity, Advocacy & Policy is converting a former cantaloupe and asparagus plant into a center to teach new work skills.

Maybe California’s farmers should look hard at eschewing planting for one year; leave their fields, en masse, to lie fallow. Alternatively, look into leasing their farm fields for that year (or longer if the deal works well enough) to ranchers to graze their herds. Either of these would be good for the fields, too.

Let California’s environmentalistas and regulators live without California’s farm crops for an extended period of time.

The rest of us need to move to reclaim the US Bureau of Reclamation and get it back under control or entirely rescinded and its employees, top to bottom, returned to the private sector.