CO2 Fans

An atmospheric CO2 removal technology is gaining interest.

In western Texas, a major carbon removal plant that is under construction also recently got a $550 million investment from BlackRock. Once it is up and running in 2025, the plant will use fan-like devices roughly the size of tennis courts to pull carbon from the air and bury it underground, a process known as direct-air capture.

To the extent that this is a good idea—and I’m not convinced that it is—such direct-air capture facilities would be better placed in targeted locations, rather than being randomly situated. And few places are more random than the wide-open spaces of West Texas. That location may be OK for a proof of concept run, but….

If this technology works at scale, the facilities would be better placed just downwind of gas-, oil-, and coal-fired power generation plants to capture CO2 emissions as they are emitted and before they get diffused throughout the atmosphere.

Also: rather than burying the captured CO2, better to freeze it and use the dry ice for shipping perishables, since shipping times will be much longer with the sailing ships and horse-drawn overland wagons that will be the core of our shipping industry after the Left’s war on fossil-fuels is over.

And then recapture that CO2 for recycling….

FDA Official Shames…Who?

Peter Marks, FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research Director, thinks he’s shaming Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo over Ladapo’s raising the question of whether the FDA has adequately monitored mRNA-based Wuhan Virus vaccines for possible contamination with extraneous DNA fragments. Marks is claiming—and he’s actually serious—that simply raising the question is intrinsically misleading.

Yet he claims this, also:

Given the dramatic reduction in the risk of death, hospitalization, and serious illness afforded by the vaccines, lower vaccine uptake is contributing to the continued death and serious illness toll of COVID-19[.]

The mortality rates for children from a Wuhan Virus infection are

  • 3 per 100 000 for those younger than 1 year [with their unformed immune systems]
  • 6 per 100 000 for those aged 1 to 4 years
  • 4 per 100 000 for those aged 5 to 9 years
  • 5 per 100 000 for those aged 10 to 14 years
  • 8 per 100,000 for those aged 15 to 19 years

For adults, the rate is 0.5% or less—a maximum of 500 per 100,000. Hospitalization and less than hospitalized serious illness rates are even smaller—and the number of actual infections that are so trivial that the individuals don’t bother to see a doctor about it or even don’t notice the infection illustrates the growing lack of general severity of the Virus.

mRNA vaccines may lower those rates further, but calling such reductions “dramatic” is itself…misleading.

Marks shames himself with his distortion.