Border Control Failure

…by our Progressive-Democrat President Joe Biden and his pet (Harry Reid’s term) DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas:

Lawmakers in Congress are sounding alarm after 15 illegal migrants with suspected terrorists [sic] ties were caught crossing the border in a single month, raising worries that some might eventually reach the stage of launching an attack.

Failure? Customs and Border Protection agents caught them, didn’t they? How is that a failure?

Congressman Andy Biggs (R, AZ) said border agents are increasingly overwhelmed processing the nearly quarter million illegal migrants who are crossing monthly and that means more dangerous players are sneaking across perilously undetected.
“You have probably 80,000 to 100,000 people coming into the country that we don’t interact with, we don’t we see them, we don’t stop them,” Biggs told Just the News.

That’s a rough estimate, to be sure—”don’t see” means don’t see. However, say it’s an overestimate by 100%—that’s still 40,000-50,000 illegal aliens not interacted with at the border, and that’s a large population within which terrorists could be mixed and go undetected and so uncaught. It only took 19 terrorists to perpetrate 9/11. On the other hand, if Biggs’ estimate is an underestimate by half, the number of terrorists getting in could be much larger.

That doesn’t get to the so-called got-aways—illegal aliens spotted crossing our border but who escape capture and succeed in penetrating to our interior and secreting themselves. By Mayorkas’ own April testimony in front of the House Judiciary Committee, there were nearly 390,000 got-aways in FY21. In April 2022 alone, there were 58,000 got-aways, nearly double the monthly average of Mayorkas’ FY21 admission. How many of those got-aways are terrorists or have terrorist ties?

Catching 15 potential terrorists out of all of that is no success. Not at all.

Here’s an Idea

The Biden administration is becoming more open about transporting illegal aliens (which administration personnel and too many in the press cynically call “migrants”) into the interior of our nation.

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is drafting plans to drop off migrants in American towns hours past the US-Mexico border, Republican lawmakers say.
The potential policy is one way DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is seeking to ease the influx of migrants to US border towns….

It’s being done behind the backs of the Congressional Representatives in whose districts the “recipient” towns sit and whether or not those towns agree to the moves, too. Congressman August Pfluger (R, TX) formally asked DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas about it, saying in part,

San Angelo is a welcoming community, but the locality has not volunteered for this mission, nor are they responsible for the burdens of the border crisis.

Pfluger also noted that he only found out about the DHS plans after local law enforcement in San Angelo informed him. From that, he asked Mayorkas what communities Mayorkas already was targeting with illegal alien transport, what steps he was taking to ensure the illegal aliens being so transported would pose no danger to the victim recipient towns, what procedures Mayorkas was using to

notify and alert local, state, and Congressional leaders that illegal immigrants will be transported to an area….


How much notice do you provide these entities before illegal immigrants arrive?

Ease the influx of “migrants:” here’s an idea—work with me on this, it’s apparently a difficult concept for those on the Left and in the present administration—stop letting the illegal aliens in in the first place. Stop them at the border and keep them out. Push Mexico to stop letting them in at the Mexican southern border and detain the illegals as they enter that country.

In short, reimplement the border and immigration policies of the prior administration.