The Putin Inflation

A short word on President Joe Biden’s (D) allegation wherein he shifts the blame for our high inflation to Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and the latter’s invasion of Ukraine. This graph is from Trading Economics:

May 2022’s year-on-year inflation rate is 8.6%, and it’s been in that range since March 2022. Putin invaded Ukraine on 24 Feb 2022.

The January 2022 year-on-year inflation rate was 7.5%. February’s was 7.9%; Putin’s invasion was too late in the month to have materially affected that month’s rate.

87% of May’s inflation rate was already occurring in January, two months before Putin invaded Ukraine.  By February, that had risen to 92%.

Apparently, according to Biden, time travel is a thing, and it’s a weapon solely in Russia’s arsenal.

Speaking of Rule of Law….

At any rate, I am, even if our Attorney General disdains to, or even to operate under it.

Federal US code 1507, states that any individual who “pickets or parades” with the “intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer” near a US court or “near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer” will be fined, or “imprisoned not more than one year, or both.”

Never mind that the avowed purpose of the protesters is to influenc[e] any judge while protesting near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge. Indeed, the purpose of any protest is to influence the target of the protest.

Yet Attorney General Merrick Garland refuses to take any action at all regarding such protestors, much less arrest them and hale them into criminal court to stand trial for their actions. This, even after the Justices’ home addresses were made public, even after one Justice became the target of a murder attempt, even after the children of another Justice became targets of the…protesters. Or in an atmosphere created by a Progressive-Democratic Party Senator openly threatening two Justices by name.

Again, I say: we dodged a bullet—one of President Joe Biden’s (D) hated large caliber 9mm ones that he’s so desperate to ban—when we didn’t get Garland on our Supreme Court.