Revisionist History

Recall that President Joe Biden (D) recently identified his wife as a prior Vice President of the United States in another of his…misspeaks.

Now his White House staff is rewriting history by altering the transcript of the speech in which said the thing.

And I’m deeply proud of the work she is doing as First Lady with Joining Forces initiative she started with Michelle Obama when she [I] was Vice President and now carries on

This is especially invidious dishonesty. The Progressive-Democrats are trying to rewrite history to erase events that occurred. Pretending to correct a transcription error—leaving the line-through of the putative error and supplying the not-actually-said insertion is naked revisionism, not a simple correction.

A proper move, an honest move, would have been to create an addendum saying “What the President meant to say….”

History is how we know what happened and how we got to where we are. Falsifying history is an attack on all of us.

It cannot be tolerated by us American citizens.

Will It Be The End?

Major portions of the press are convinced that a Republican sweep in the coming mid-term elections would spell the end for our nation. A recent Fox News headline reads,

CNN, MSNBC, NBC, and more worry about bloodbath for the Democrats in midterms: “The end of our country”

To which I say, if by “our” they mean CNN‘s, MSNBC‘s, NBC‘s, et al.‘s version of the country, I certainly hope so.

Those…outlets…support in the most vociferous way the racism and sexism of identity politics and Big Government’s utter contempt for us average Americans. They do not share even their Progressive movement founder Theodore Roosevelt’s insistence on an economic system under which each man shall be guaranteed the opportunity to show the best that there is in him. They do not support a nation in which equal opportunity exists, where all of us—each of us—are equal under law and before God. They demand equality of outcome, which cancels (to coin a term) any ability each man to show [his] best.

They demand that only (Progressive-)Democrats must be elected.