More Disingenuosity of the Left

Buried in the Progressive-Democrats’ reconciliation bill that they’re so desperate to hurry up and get passed before anyone can peruse it is this payoff to unions:

The bill the House passed would allow union members to deduct up to $250 of dues from their tax bills. The deduction is “above the line,” meaning filers can exclude the cost of dues from their gross income. In other words, union dues would get the same treatment now reserved for things like insurance premiums and retirement contributions.

The Progressive-Democrat Senator from Pennsylvania, Bob Casey, claims it’s no payoff at all; it’s because

Unions are the backbone of the middle class. This legislation would put money back in the pockets of working families.

Never mind that union membership in the entire private sector is only a bit over 6%, not close to any sort of middle class backbone.

What the Progressive-Democrat carefully ignores, too, is that absent the vast increase in taxes included in the reconciliation bill, there’d be no need to put money back in the pockets of working families because that money wouldn’t be leaving those pockets in the first place.

The WSJ has the right of it:

The true goal of the tax break is to fill union coffers by making dues less of a deterrent to joining. The incentive would be particularly strong in 23 states without right-to-work laws, where workers pay partial union fees whether or not they’re members.

(Keep in mind, too, that the Progressive-Democrats also are pushing legislation that would eliminate right-to-work laws in those 23 States and nation-wide.)

Bread and circuses. Vote buying.

Wuhan Virus Deaths and Wuhan Virus Politics

The Wuhan Virus mortality rate for those of us who are basically healthy is, and has been all along, once we started getting enough data to make such assessments, a pretty constant and small fraction of 1%—out of 1,000 cases, fewer than 5 of us are likely to die.  Fewer yet, if we consider all infections, but the only hard data we have are reported cases, since many with infections either are asymptomatic, and so go unreported, or are sufficiently mild that the individual self-medicates, and so go unreported.

That’s the context against which the politically motivated hype only the total deaths from the virus—some hundreds of thousands. The emotion-laden focus on those deaths ignores the far vaster numbers who’ve gotten sick and recovered: just under 800 thousand vs 38.8 million recovered according to worldometer, as of 25 November. That 2% mortality rate, though, includes all deaths reported from the virus—including the old and those with comorbidities, for whom the mortality rates are far higher than for the general population.

All of which is a long-winded lead-in to this.

There were 220 thousand American deaths attributed to the Wuhan Virus during the fall Presidential campaign last year, and candidate Joe Biden said

Anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as President of the United States of America.

As of the same period this year, in the reign of President Joe Biden (D), 350 thousand Americans have died from the Wuhan Virus.

This comes despite the fact that for most of 2020, we had no vaccines and no proven palliatives against the virus until just about this time frame in 2020, and Biden has had those vaccines and an increasing number of effective—at least to some degree—palliatives, and our doctors and nurses have far more experience in dealing with the virus, for his entire reign.

Biden has declared himself unfit to be President. Biden again:

If the president had done his job, had done his job from the beginning, all the people would still be alive[.]
