Voter Fraud

…which the NLMSM and Progressive-Democrats so vociferously deny exists. Here are some data, via The Heritage Foundation and Jim Simpson, Republican candidate for Congress in Maryland’s District 2 (whom I, from my perch in Texas, wholeheartedly endorse). The Heritage‘s full, State by State report can be seen and downloaded from here.

The report covers a long history and a broad range of fraud forms. I’ve picked out three election years—2016, 2018, and 2020. I’ve not bothered to break them out by fraud type, State, or political party; the existence of the fraud is what’s bad.

  • 2020: 9 cases—even though almost no general elections have been held yet—spread across 5 States
  • 2018: 65 cases, spread across 21 States
  • 2016: 62 cases, spread across 21 States


Presidential Debates

Still waiting for Biden. It’s been two days since Progressive-Democratic Party Presidential candidate Joe Biden was challenged to debate President Donald Trump in a fourth debate early next month before early voting starts in a number of States. Six days before that, Trump challenged Biden directly.

Biden hasn’t answered.

Of what is Biden so afraid that he can’t even answer the challenge?