“Why Did Harvard Students Cheer on Hamas?”

That’s the title of one section of The Wall Street Journal‘s Wednesday Letters section. One Harvard student wrote regarding the plethora of Harvard student groups’ open support of the terrorist Hamas gang,

The morally bankrupt claims made by these groups are not representative of many of their members. They used theirs, Harvard’s, and their members’ names to lend credence to their outrageous claims. These statements were published by organization leaders, often without serious debate or voting by members.

Say that’s true. How many of those members, allegedly omitted from open debate or voting, have resigned from those student groups?

Yeah, that’s what I thought.

Another Letter writer wrote,

I received the mass email sent to Harvard alumni by President Gay, addressing the war in Israel. One line was especially notable: “It’s in the exercise of our freedom to speak that we reveal our characters.” Well said. Harvard’s character has been revealed.

Indeed. As well as are, via their decision not to speak or act, the characters of some student group members.

Too many illiberal Liberal and mainstream Left “students” at Harvard are terrorist sympathizers. None of them should be employable in the United States, not just a few lawyer wannabes singled out by a couple of law firms.

Common Ground and Mutual Understanding

Michael Schill, Northwestern University President, in a message to “members of the Northwestern community” regarding the terrorist Hamas attack on Israeli women, children, and babies:

This is a moment for us to pull together, to support each other, and seek common ground. That does not mean we need to agree with each other about divisive issues like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But we must have empathy for each other and strive to build understanding.

Common ground is precisely that shared territory of overlap that disparate positions and whole belief systems have. How can there be any shared territory, any overlap, between those who butcher innocents as their goal and method in pushing their position and those who support…civilization?

How can there be any empathy for those who inflict such evil with deliberation and careful planning?

It’s easy enough to understand such evil and those who seek to inflict it—the evil is plain before us. But such understanding neither requires, nor supports, empathy, nor is there common ground with such. If evil cannot be eradicated, those who do evil certainly can be destroyed, and they must.

Schill’s moral equivocation (his words are so far afield that I almost did not use “moral”) is illustrative of the utter failure of the management teams of our higher “education” edifices.

UN Passes Up an Excellent Chance to Be Quiet

Then-French President Jackques Chirac, on the eave of the US dealing with a terrorist entity running Iraq, decried eastern European nations loudly supporting the upcoming US effort, saying,

It is not really responsible behavior. It is not well brought-up behavior. They missed a good opportunity to keep quiet.

Now comes this Wall Street Journal article talking about the Israeli response to the terrorist Hamas attack within Israel and yapping about a growing humanitarian crisis.

The United Nations, in the person of Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA Commissioner-General, speaks only of a generalized Gaza humanitarian crisis.

Lazzarini isn’t alone in this cynical spin. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman wants to

discuss ways to stop the military operations that claimed the lives of innocent people….”

No. Military operations are not claim[ing] the lives of innocent people, Hamas’ terrorist operations are doing that.

The humanitarian crisis is in Israel, inflicted on Israelis by the terrorist Hamas with their assault into Israel where the terrorists butchered civilians, raped women, murdered babies—cutting off the heads of (too) many—and kidnapping 150, or so, more for the terrorists’ use in later atrocities.

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is inflicted on Gazans by the terrorist Hamas with their use of Gazan civilians as human shields, and their use Gazans’ homes, schools, religious centers, hospitals, and on and on, as weapons caches, ammunition dumps, command and control centers. The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is exacerbated by the terrorist Hamas’ refusal to allow Gaza’s civilians to evacuate northern Gaza as Israel has given them time to do. Beyond that, Lazzarini’s UNRWA is itself well known for allowing the terrorists to secrete their weapons in UNRWA facilities.

United Nations personnel, especially Lazzarini, and bin Salmon all are not engaging in really responsible behavior. [Theirs] is not well brought-up behavior. They missed a good opportunity to keep quiet.

The Way to End Racism is to Stop Doing Racism

And that includes ending racial gerrymandering.

On Friday a Fifth Circuit panel heard arguments in a Voting Rights Act lawsuit (Robinson v Ardoin) that seeks to force Louisiana to draw a second majority-minority Congressional district. The case was put on pause while the Justices considered a challenge to Alabama’s map. Now the plaintiffs are using the Court’s Alabama ruling (Allen v Milligan) to advance an extreme racial gerrymander.

Never mind the 14th Amendment’s injunction that nor shall any State…deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Or the 15th Amendment’s Art I:

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Or the Voting Rights Act’s Section 2, which prohibits election practices or procedures that discriminate on the basis of race.

The 14th Amendment bars discrimination on the basis of race—which setting up representational districts explicitly to favor one race over others does. The 15th Amendment makes that even more explicit: favoring one person’s right to vote over another’s explicitly abridges that other person’s right to vote.

As if those Amendments weren’t clear enough—and apparently social justice warriors in the general population and even our courts’ activist judges and Justices can’t read—the VRA is explicitly explicit on the matter.

The Supreme Court is badly mistaken in Allen. Either all American citizens are equal under law, or we’re not. Creating a legislature’s representation districts to favor one group of Americans over other groups is one of the last bastions of racism in our nation.

Butchering Babies

The Iran-backed terrorist gang, Hamas, has been caught out butchering babies in the Israeli villages the terrorists invaded and slaughtered. Michigan’s Progressive-Democrat Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has been very vocal about her support for the terrorists’ attacks on and within Israel. She’s even flying a Palestinian flag outside her Capitol Hill office. On Tuesday, she was asked, publicly in a Capitol Hill hallway,

Congresswoman, Hamas terrorists have cut off babies’ heads and burned children alive. Do you support Israel’s rights to defend themselves against this brutality?


You can’t comment about Hamas terrorists chopping off babies’ heads? Congresswoman, do you have a comment on Hamas terrorists chopping off babies’ heads?


You have nothing to say about Hamas terrorists chopping off babies’ heads?


Do you condone what Hamas has done chopping off babies’ heads, burning children alive, raping women in the streets? You have no comment about children’s heads being chopped off?


By her silence, this…person…expresses her equally unwavering support for her precious Hamas’ atrocities, including those baby butcheries.