Joe Biden’s Passive-Aggressive Timidity

The lede says it all.

Well, that was fast. Iran fired 181 ballistic missiles on Israel Tuesday, and a day later President Biden was already telling Israel what it shouldn’t do in response. Asked Wednesday if he’d support an Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities, the President said “The answer is no.”

Our Progressive-Democrat President Joe Biden is showing his desperation for Iran obtaining nuclear weapons, which he knows full well will be used, promptly, to attack and destroy Israel and to exterminate Jews in the Middle East.

He broadened his desperation:

He also hauled in the leaders of the G-7 democracies to add to the pre-emptive pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “We will be discussing with the Israelis what they are going to do. All seven of us agree that they have a right to respond but they should respond in proportion,” he told reporters after a G-7 conference call. “We are giving them advice. I will talk to Bibi relatively soon.”

This is, as The Wall Street Journal editors put it, Biden tell[ing] Irans [sic] Ayatollah Ali Khamenei that the US will help the regime protect its most prized and threatening military asset.

Proportion. I discussed what true proportion is nearby. I can only hope that Netanyahu has the courage and the IDF has the wherewithal to carry out its necessary active defensive (which is to say offensive in respond to Iran’s murderous attacks) actions against Iran, and against those targets the IDF deems most useful to Israel’s national security, independently of Biden’s despicable interference.

Joe Biden’s behavior—favoring as he does Iran getting nuclear weapons along with his parallel antisemitic attitude toward the Jewish state—is both disgusting, and a national humiliation to rival his panicky running out of Afghanistan.

To Abuse a Metaphor….

Iran has had its inability to defend itself against direct Israeli attacks, and Hamas and Hezbollah, although still fighting, have been severely damaged. The Biden-Harris administration wants a “proportional” response by Israel to Iran’s latest assault, a murderous-intended, ballistic missile attack all across the geography of Israel. They’re not alone. Michael Knights, Washington Institute for Near East Policy senior fellow:

Israeli retaliations always tend to match the reduction in its civilian morale, done as a reassurance that the Israeli qualitative edge is still there and that Israel can hit its enemies back harder than they can hit it. Now, in this case, these Iranian strikes didn’t seem to have hit very hard.

Proportionality: Iran keeps attacking Israel, directly now, through its terrorist clients north and south of Israel also. Our Progressive-Democrat administration’s version of proportionality is to just trade tit-for-tat strikes that do nothing to put an end to Iran’s repeated strikes, and as they continue, the likelihood grows that one strike will get through and severely damage or destroy Israel.

True proportionality would have Israel strike hard enough to prevent Iran from being able to strike again for a good, long time—generations, ideally. Dina Esfandiary, International Crisis Group‘s Middle East and North Africa senior adviser:

It [Iran] really is stuck between a rock and a hard place[.]

It’s time to slam the rock down hard on the hard place and severely damage, if not cripple, Iran. That’s the only way to prevent Iran from continuing its murderous attacks.