
The Revisionist History Outlet more formally known as CNN is at it again. Regarding the death-by-terrorist-murder of the American-Israeli hostage, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, this is the outlet’s original headline on its Sunday article:

Israeli-American hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin has died, family confirms via statement

After having been called out for their perfidious distortion aimed at whitewashing the terrorism and terrorists involved in the man’s murder, CNN “revised” its headline:

Israel’s military says six hostages ‘brutally murdered’ in Gaza, including Israeli-American Goldberg-Polin

The outlet didn’t even acknowledge the misstatement in its headline, not anywhere in its article. All the outlet had was a bare statement at the article’s bottom that This story has been updated. News articles that are published online routinely get updated as more news, or more facts, become available. There’s not a minim in CNN‘s present case regarding “updating” its headline.

Instead, the outlet has simply, and sotto voce, changed its headline while pretending the history preceding that change never existed at all.

A Simple Question

Set off by this lede in a Wall Street Journal op-ed by former Republican Congressman Jeb Hensarling:

Many big-name companies this summer have scrapped their diversity, equity, and inclusion policies.

Hensarling then rattled off the names of a few companies whose management teams claim to have done the scrapping: Brown–Forman Corporation, ultimate owner of Jack Daniel’s; Harley-Davidson; and Tractor Supply.

Those companies, and others making similar claims, may well have scrapped the public face of their DEI policies.

My question, then, is this: when can we expect to see actual changes in those companies’ behavior in their hiring, pay, promotion, etc vis-à-vis these allegedly scrapped policies? After all, the same management teams who dreamed up their companies’ DEI policies and stood up their DEI offices remain in place, with the possible exception of the directors of those DEI offices.