A Mistaken Characterization

The mistake is in the headline:

IBM Shuts China R&D Operations in Latest Retreat by US Companies

When an American business, particularly one as important as IBM, removes its R&D operations from an enemy nation, that’s no retreat. That’s an advance; the move makes it harder for an enemy nation like the People’s Republic of China to access our technology or our intellectual property to use our technology and our intellectual property against us.

It would be a further advance and further advantageous were more American companies, large and small, to remove themselves from the PRC and to stop doing business with the PRC and PRC businesses altogether.

American Culture

Not what it is, but how to protect it. This is at the core of the culture war the Progressive-Democratic Party is so zealously fighting against us average Americans.

On the one hand is the Harris/Walz position of the US as a land of opportunity for all. On the other hand is the Trump/Vance position of protecting American values from outside threats.

The two positions shouldn’t be in opposition to each other. Protecting our values—our culture—from outside threats is what preserves our nation as a land of opportunity for all. If that protection fails, if our culture is materially altered by those threats, that which makes us a land of opportunity for everyone ceases to exist, and that opportunity disappears.

The problem here is in the Progressive-Democratic Party’s demand to define what those opportunities are and how they’re to be achieved. Party wants government—the government Party wishes to control—to determine those opportunities through its taxing programs and its social engineering-oriented expanding spending.

Party wants to dictate via government regulation what transportation we can have opportunity for, what products our businesses will be permitted to produce and sell, what energy sources we will be permitted to buy or sell, who will be permitted to vote, even who will be permitted to run for election.

This is as opposed to what is at the core of our culture: we—us citizens—decide what our values are, we decide what opportunities we wish to pursue, we select our opportunities from lists of our own devise or from none at all, creating opportunity from scratch. Choices may or may not include any of Party’s goals, but none of which are foisted off onto us.

Notice that: what we citizens want to pursue is much less enumerated, and that permits of much expanded opportunity and opportunities.

The choice is clear: Everything within the Party, nothing outside the Party, nothing against the Party vs we’re free to do our own thing, at our own risk, on our own responsibility, and for our own benefit.