NYT’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Performance

Now The New York Times is pushing the wokeness of gender “alteration” and associated child abuse directly to children. New York Times for Kids is a section aimed directly at children ages 8-13—prebuscent children up through children whose hormones are starting into an uproar as their bodies begin to change from a child’s to an adult’s body. The current rendition of this section includes things like

…suggest[ing] finding a “supportive space with friends or a counselor” to “let you safely explore what feels best, like changes to your name, pronouns, or style of dress.” This process of making outward gender changes is often referred to as social transitioning.


“Trans kids in trouble.” … “Healthcare for transgender kids has been in the news a lot,” lamenting that “at least 15 states have banned treatment for gender dysphoria.” It went on to tell readers, “The laws keep trans kids from getting the treatments they need. But experts are clear: Access to care saves trans kids’ lives.”


One article [in the section], headlined “When it doesn’t feel right,” talked about what to do about gender dysphoria. A doctor explained, “I’ve had a good number of young people describe it as having really intense feelings of anger, sadness, or insecurity about themselves or their bodies.”

Which, in particular, is nothing more than that hormonal uproar.

This section is disgusting even for tabloid journalism. The paper of record? Say, rather, the paper my cat wouldn’t tolerate under her litter box.

This will be the last time I reference this…outlet…by name. My blog may be meager, but I decline to give this birdcage reject any further air time or space.

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