
No, I’m not. That’s the name of my new Peter Hunt novel: Moving, and it’s available through Amazon’s Kindle store:

A man wanted Peter Hunt to investigate his much younger wife, and Hunt doesn’t like domestic cases. On top of that, from the moment he came into Hunt’s office, the man rubbed Hunt the wrong way.
Hunt took the case, though. Go figure. When he and his friend and partner, Rachel Wellington-Smythe—Rick—plussed up his retainer and rate because the man also behaved badly toward Rick, the man didn’t bat an eyelash; he just signed and wrote out the check for the retainer. That raised red flags.

As part of investigating the wife, Hunt talked to her. “I’m here on behalf of your husband.”
“And what behalf would that be?”
“He thinks you’re being ‘unfaithful.’ That was the word he used.”
“‘Unfaithful.’ Unfaithful, he says?”
“From last night, I’d say he says right.”
“He doesn’t like to dance. He doesn’t like to go out. I do.”
“Let’s get to it. You like to do more than party.”
“We have an arrangement—I take care of his needs, I take care of mine.”

Only her needs turn out to be much broader than that.
So, it turned out, did the husband’s. Neither understood that about the other.
Then a local Ukrainian oligarch wannabe got involved. Two representatives came to Hunt’s office and encouraged him to walk away from his investigation. When he didn’t, the threat became explicit, and Rick’s apartment got…raided. When that didn’t persuade Hunt, the two reps called on Hunt at his home, and they attacked him, injuring his cat in the process.
Then another oligarch wannabe got involved. Then the husband came up dead. Then two more men—the wife’s bodyguards, it turned out—came up dead.
Then things started going downhill.

I hope you like it.

“What’s the Goal Here?”

That’s the question New York Assemblywoman Latrice Walker (D, 55th District) is asking on the matter of impeaching and bringing to State Senate trial soon-to-be ex-Governor Andrew Cuomo (D). He’s already resigned, she says. If the goal here was to move this particular governor out of office…, she says.

Other State Democrats are pressing for impeachment and conviction even after Cuomo’s resignation has taken effect.

Latrice misunderstands the situation, and those pushing for impeachment and conviction anyway, are clearer on the matter.

Cuomo resigned of the sex abuse allegations that have come to the fore, and that’s all he’s resigning over.

What about his other misbehaviors and abuses of his authority?

What about all the deaths that resulted from his demand that Wuhan Virus-infected elderly patients be put back into nursing homes to infect—and kill—thousands of other elderly?

What about his abuses of his authority regarding the Mario Cuomo Bridge?

What about his misuse of State government facilities and resources to write and peddle a book?

What about his abuse of his authority to give preferential virus testing treatment for family members and favored cronies during a time of limited testing resources?

What about his disbanding of the Moreland Commission when it began investigating his cronies?

What about his relationship with a crony convicted of bid-rigging for State government contracts?

What about the relationship between Crystal Run Healthcare’s donation of $400k in campaign donations to Cuomo’s 2016 campaign and Crystal Run’s subsequent award of a $25 million in State grants?

These, and especially the victims and victims’ survivors of Cuomo’s nursing home moves, badly want adjudication and justice. They, each of them individually and all of them together, badly need impeachment and a State Senate trial.

And: on conviction, the State’s legislature then would have the authority to bar Cuomo from State office for the rest of his life.

A Thought on Afghanistan

First, a bit of background. Over 20 years ago, when President Bush the Younger first sent our troops into Afghanistan, the troops’ mission was to burn the Taliban to the ground for their role in al Qaeda’s 9/11 attacks on our homeland—housing them and their leader bin Laden.  Those forces did that in very short order. Mission Accomplished, and the men and women should have been brought home.

Then the mission drifted into getting bin Laden himself, as intelligence developed to identify his location with sufficient specificity. OK, that was mostly reasonable; we thought we knew where he was, so go get him. It turned out, given the terrain, we didn’t have enough specificity—which cave in a several-hundred square mile warren of caves was he? We couldn’t find him, and while the hunt should have continued (it did, and we got him somewhere else some years later), the troops should have been brought home. Both of those missions reached resolution within the first year.

But then the mission drifted again, this time into nation building—which we suck at—and into training and equipping the Afghan military. Even our successes in Germany, Italy, and Japan occurred only because those nations started out with a long history of Western concepts of freedom and governance. Japan had, if not the long history, an extended familiarity, and some practice with the concepts. Afghanistan, though, in the particular case, had no concept of anything beyond tribal and clan interaction; there was, and is, no understanding of Western concepts, except, perhaps intellectually (certainly not in their gut) on the part of a few elitists, but nothing at all in the general population—or in the Taliban and its popular supporters.

That last drift (frankly, facilitated by the first drift, even if that one was done for the Very Best Reasons) has provided the disaster that’s unfolding. I’ll leave aside, here, our own failure to continue fighting like we meant it, our own failure to continue fighting toward an actual, measurable victory under the new mission.

So why the Afghan failure now?

Here are a few questions, the answers to which will go some way to understanding our failure and—were our politicians to look beyond their own campaigns for their next election—preventing similar failures in the future, whether that prevention amounts to no more nation-building or to nation-building with an understanding of what’s involved, originating culture by originating culture.

What were we doing if 20 years of training has led to a military force that knows only how to run away when they don’t have Western troops beside them or in front of them or overhead?

What were we doing if 20 years of training has led to a military force that can’t maintain its own equipment—and no, lack of parts and manuals is no excuse. That lack hurts, but the Afghan military can’t use the parts and manuals they have.

What makes us think air power is the be all and end all, that we still need to stay to provide the Afghan forces “critical” close air support, air transport, air…? The Afghan army outnumbers the Taliban’s forces by 3:1 or more. The Taliban forces are still going through the Afghan army like Patton’s crap through a goose, when they can catch up with that running-away army—and the Taliban have no air power at all: no close air support, no air transport, no…. Although they’re gaining the makings of an air force as they capture all that abandoned Afghan equipment.

What were we doing if 20 years of working/training/cajoling the political side of Afghan has left the nation (and apparently, that’s a loosely defined term as it’s applied to Afghanistan) with a tribal/clan-oriented government whose members are more interested in their tribal and clan imperatives than they are their national imperatives? The nature of that fractiousness—far different from the Party fractiousness of the Western nation(s) we’ve been, sort of, trying to get the clans to emulate—is illuminated in the rolling out of the existential threat the Taliban is to the nation of Afghanistan. And given the nature of the Taliban, that also presents a soon-to-be-realized existential threat to the clans and tribes themselves.

The only Afghanis who recognize the benefits of some of the 20 years of our social training are the women who were able to go to school. There’re hints there, too—regarding treatment of women and regarding education in general—if we’re interested in learning from them.

The rate of collapse of the Afghan military, days after our withdrawal, and so of the nation it was supposed to be protecting, shows how thin the veneer of our training—military, governance, social.

If we don’t know what we’re doing, it would behoove us, and those we otherwise would purport to build up, to not try to do it until we figure it out.

Reconciliation, Taxes, Debt, and Two Senators

Senator Joe Manchin (D, WV) and Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D, AZ) claim they’re worried about their Progressive-Democratic Party’s reconciliation bill, even as they voted in the wee hours of last Wednesday morning, to pass their Party’s budget outline—that reconciliation bill.


I have serious concerns about the grave consequences facing West Virginians and every American family if Congress decides to spend another $3.5 trillion[.]


Early this morning, I [Manchin] voted “YES” on a procedural vote to move forward on the budget reconciliation process because I believe it is important to discuss the fiscal policy future of this country.

Manchin expounded on his duplicity:

Adding trillions of dollars more to nearly $29 trillion of national debt, without any consideration of the negative effects on our children and grandchildren, is one of those decisions that has become far too easy in Washington[.]

Yet the reconciliation resolution that he voted up contains those trillions of dollars of added national debt, and supporting that seems to be one of those far too easy decisions that he also has decided to make.

Sinema, paraphrased by MarketWatch:

said two weeks ago that she does not support the $3.5 trillion package….

And, quoting Sinema:

While I will support beginning this process, I do not support a bill that costs $3.5 trillion….

Though, of course, she wants consideration of it. Especially since that process is purely Party, with no Republican input whatsoever.

Of course, were they serious, they’d have voted against the resolution until all of that was eliminated, reduced, or tailored to their satisfaction. The easiest time to block such nonsense is at the outset. The longer that stuff is allowed to remain in the reconciliation package, the more likely it’ll remain all the way through. And the more time there’ll be for their fellows to find things with which to buy off Manchin and Sinema.

Their fellows likely will find the price exacted for renting their…votes…to be quite low.

The proof of the pudding will be in how Manchin and Sinema vote when those matters come up for serious debate, and how they vote when the aggregated cost of the bill becomes operational.

I’m not sanguine.

More Progressive-Democrat Disingenuousity

Now, with rising oil prices as demand increases as we start to come out from under the Wuhan Virus situation (which we’re doing despite the press’ and the Biden administration’s panic-mongering over the Delta variant), the Biden administration is pushing OPEC to boost their oil production to hold down prices.

The disingenuousness of this administration is breathtaking.

This is the same Progressive-Democrat administration that cut off our own, domestic, oil and gas independence by fighting our domestic production—to the ultimate benefit of Russia and the People’s Republic of China.

This is the same set of Progressive-Democrats that blocked an amendment to their reconciliation spend- and tax-a-thon that would have allowed new energy development—oil and gas drilling—to occur on Federal lands.

This is the same collection of Progressive-Democrats that unblocked Nord Stream 2 and pressured Ukraine to agree to it so Russia could benefit by selling its own natural gas production into Germany and western Europe.

This is the same collection of Progressive-Democrats who actively depress our own oil and gas production in the name of reducing atmospheric CO2 levels—while pushing for, allowing, increased production by others of atmospheric CO2-producing oil and natural gas.

This is the Progressive-Democrats elevating the welfare of foreign nations, including enemy nations, above our own.

Here is the Progressive-Democrats’ campaign slogan: Make Again Last, America. MAL America.