A Federal Surveillance Law Lapse

A fairly broad range of FISA surveillance authorities held by the Federal government has lapsed, and that

has begun to limit the FBI’s ability to pursue some terrorism and espionage suspects….

Disagreements among the House, Senate, and White House over how much to renew and the degree of additional controls to be applied to what’s renewed combined with the Wuhan Virus situation to let Congress adjourn for the season and the situation without action.

I’m undismayed by this turn of events. In the first place, when Congress returns, it’s quite likely to work out these differences and renew the FISA authorities in some form—which, if done correctly, won’t be all bad.

However, given the decision by far too many in the FBI to not bother discriminating between suspects and political opponents, the lapse isn’t all bad, either. It’ll be worth the time if only necessary authorities are renewed, proper controls are put in place, and the miscreants in the FBI are terminated for cause along with those whose miscreancy was criminal brought to trial.

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