Propaganda and the Press

At the Monday President Donald Trump-hosted daily press conference about the status of the Wuhan Virus situation in the US, a reporter representing Hong Kong Phoenix TV asked a question prefaced with a long tout of the People’s Republic of China shipping medical supplies to the US (coincidentally omitting to mention how defective PRC-originated medical supplies tend to be).

Trump called her on her affiliation; she mumbled about representing Hong Kong Phoenix TV, but weasel-worded her employer’s association with the PRC government.

However. According to an ex-Phoenix TV news director,

Phoenix TV’s content is subject to the dictates of the leadership of the Central Communist Propaganda Department, Central Communist Overseas Propaganda Office, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which often directly sent instructions to Phoenix Satellite TV.

As Senator Ted Cruz (R, TX) put it,

So to recap, the WH Correspondents Assoc gave a seat at the WH press briefing to an employee of the Chinese Communist govt, to ask globally televised Qs to POTUS, at the same time China is waging a propaganda campaign to hide their culpability & coverup of the Wuhan virus?!?

Meanwhile, this same White House Correspondence Association has barred the One America News Network from these briefings, necessitating Trump’s invitations to the news outlet in order for its reporters to gain entrance—standing at the back of the bus press room.

This is what we have, then: American journalists actively suppressing a right-leaning news outlet while equally actively promoting a propaganda arm of the PRC government.

Think about that.

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