The Communist Worker’s Paradise

Here’s an example, People’s Republic of China style.  Including the fact that gender discrimination in the workplace is illegal in the PRC, while its governments at all levels blithely ignore those laws.

[A]bout 22% of women have experienced severe or very severe discrimination when seeking employment, according to Zhaopin Ltd, an online recruiter. … That percentage rose to about 43% for women with graduate degrees.


A trawl through job listings on Boss Zhipin, the recruitment site, showed some tech companies state explicitly that positions are just for men.

An e-commerce marketing job at NetEase Inc, one of the largest internet companies in China, recently stated that only male candidates need to apply because “the job is tough and stressful.

It begins early on in their society.

Parents often tell their daughters they won’t be good at math or physics or coding.

Welcome to paradise.