FBI Director James Comey has obeyed his orders from his boss, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and her boss, President Barack Obama (D), and he’s recommending no charges be filed against ex-Secretary of State and Democratic Party Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for her…mishandling…of classified material via her unsecured email server.
This after saying in his presser announcing his recommendation,
To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.
In other words, lesser people should be prosecuted, at least administratively, and (not or) have their clearances lifted. But not Democrats.
John Fund had some questions about Comey’s acquiescence; below are some of them. It’s important to note that Comey didn’t have the moral courage to stay past his statement and answer any questions, much less these.
You said that anyone in Hillary Clinton’s position would have at least faced administrative or other sanctions for their behavior. Would you outline what is type of sanctions have been applied in the past? Would someone like Hillary Clinton be granted a security clearance after violations of this kind?
You stated that the handling of top secret classified material by Hillary Clinton and her aides was “extremely careless.” Lawyers say that is the definition of the “gross negligence” statute that provides for prosecution of anyone who allows classified information to be mishandled. What is the difference between those terms in your opinion, and is there a legal difference?
You mentioned that some of the classified information was marked as classified when Mrs. Clinton handled those emails. Is that not the definition of “gross negligence” that should trigger the statute mandating prosecution of those mishandling sensitive information.
There is a parallel investigation into Mrs. Clinton being conducted by the FBI into possible corruption involving the State Department and the Clinton Foundation. What is the status of that investigation and do you believe that probe will be finished before Americans go to the polls to elect a president in November?
Did any of the deleted emails recovered from Mrs. Clinton’s email server bear on the investigation of the Clinton Foundation?
It appears that roughly one-in-15 of the work-related messages that Clinton sent or received on the private server have been classified at some level. A total of 22 emails were classified as top secret—the highest level of secrecy. You said that we should expect some of that information is in the hands of others. Would you characterize how bad the damage to national security would be if that information be compromised?
There’s integrity, Democrat style.