UN Perfidy?

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon leveled his strongest criticism yet of Israel’s military operation in Gaza on Monday, accusing Israel of “pummeling” Gazans with “indiscriminate destruction” and warning Israel to fulfill its obligations as an “occupying power” to protect civilians.

Mr Ban stopped short of accusing Israel of targeting civilians, but he said that “every home, every school, every refuge” had become a target.

The UN carefully does not warn the Palestinian Authority to fulfill its obligations as the government of Gaza to protect civilians, to, much more, stop using civilians as shields. The UN carefully does not acknowledge that “‘every home, every school, every refuge’ had become a target” because the PA terrorists had made them so by storing their rockets in these places, had made them so by launching their rockets from these places.

And the UN carefully ignores the fact that it’s been caught—twice—storing the PA’s rockets in UNRWA facilities and then turning them over to the terrorists when discovered.

No, this is all Israel’s fault.

“In the name of humanity, the violence must stop,” Mr Ban said.

In the name of humanity, the terrorists must be stopped.

2 thoughts on “UN Perfidy?

  1. Pingback: Another Role for UNRWA | A Plebe's Site

  2. Pingback: Was the Palestinian Authority Ever Serious | A Plebe's Site

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