How Does This Work?

The CMS has a Request for Proposal out [emphasis added]:

Solicitation Number: RFP-CMS-RMADA-2014
Notice Type: Modification/Amendment
Synopsis: Added: Nov 20, 2013 1:17 pm

The purpose is to develop a Research, Measurement, Assessment, Design, and Analysis (RMADA) IDIQ [Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity contracting/procurement type] to respond to expanded needs of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care ACT (ACA) and Health Care reform ACT (HCERA).  The work awarded under the RMADA will involve the design, implementation and evaluation of a broad range of research and/or payment and service delivery models to test their potential for reducing expenditures for Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, and uninsured beneficiaries while maintaining or improving quality of care.

Section C of this RFP has this expansion [emphasis added]:

…the [CMS] will award task orders (TOs) for a wide range of analytic support and technical assistance activities that support models and demonstration programs created or derived under the auspices of the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (ACA), and future health reform legislation where new delivery and payment reform models are enacted.  The demands of new reforms created under ACA have redefined the way CMS approaches and conducts research activities and demonstrations affecting Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, and uninsured populations.  The role of state and private sector payers is also redefined as many of the new models include multiple payers working in collaboration with CMS to reform the care delivery system.  The RMADA will provide CMS with a robust tool to meet those challenges.  Some of the major activities this umbrella contract will address include the following: designing, maintaining and refining model/demonstration design and operations; monitoring model site implementations; designing and carrying out surveys and other data collection activities; obtaining and analyzing secondary data sources including Medicare, Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and private payer sources that support model design and evaluations.  Some other evaluation activities envisioned under the RMADA include reporting on formative and summative analyses, providing rapid cycle quarterly evaluation feedback to all model participants and CMS, and the creation of summative annual and final program findings.

Aside from only just figuring out that “The demands of new reforms created under ACA have redefined the way CMS approaches and conducts research activities and demonstrations affecting Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, and uninsured populations” and “The role of state and private sector payers is also redefined…,” they’ve also just discovered HHS, or its CMS ObamaMart Project “Integrator,” hadn’t thought about doing these things from the jump.

As a result, now they want to spend an additional $7 billion of our money on their failure.  Probably, it’s too much to hope for any of these billions being committed to saving pennies will be committed to reducing the costs of all that added reporting and paperwork.  Or even that the entire $7 billion could be saved (and sent over to Treasury to reduce our national debt) with withdrawing this foolish RFP.

More on ObamaMart thinks it’s made an improvement: now we can browse—sort of—some notional health “insurance” plans and their notional premiums.  The images below (because the technology is smarter than I am, so I can’t meld them into the single image that exists at show just how meaningless this “improvement” is.


As you can see, the ObamaMart still is withholding any sort of idea of actual costs—explicitly, you don’t get to see deductibles and copays, and you only get to see “premiums” for two age groups—which lump together too many characteristics for these made-up numbers to be taken seriously.

We still have to give our personally identifying information to the ObamaMart doorman, we still have to open an “account” before we can get into the store and poke the shelves.

The IRS knows how to do tables of options based on income.  Adding options based on health conditions—the major factors, like heart disease history, smoking, weight vs height, and so on—for the five plan categories would make a table bigger, perhaps more complex (it might even—the horror!—require more than one table), but it’s eminently doable.  And Americans aren’t as dumb as the Progressives in the White House and HHS think—we can keep up with such a table or set of tables.

This page of notions is just mendacious.

A Failure from Not Bothering with Checking Backgrounds

We have the Obama administration’s decision not to bother with serious background checks on its…navigators…who will be collecting all of our personal financial and medical data as they “help” us choose an Obamacare “insurance” policy.

Now we have another outcome of that administration decision.  Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach’s home was trespassed against by one of these attackers and a crowd of her cronies.

Veronica Miranda…appeared with “four busloads of her friends” at [Kobach’s] home near Kansas City in June.

“She was more than trespassing,” [Kobach] said.  “She was attempting to intimidate a public official.”

Privacy and Validity

Eric Boehm, in a recent post, noted some concerns about Obamacare.

Thanks to new regulations that are part of the federal Affordable Care Act, patients will be asked to disclose more personal information to their doctors—including how often they have sex and how with how many sexual partners.

And once they do, it won’t really be personal information any more.

Similar questions exist for drug use history, and the questions are required of all doctors, from your dermatologist or osteopath to your GP—regardless of the questions’ relevance to the health problem that brought you to the doctor.

On top of that, as Goldwater Institute lawyer, Christina Sandefur, says,

Once you’ve shared your information with a private third party, the Supreme Court has ruled that is fair game for the government[.]

Apocalyptic?  Likely (the Supremes’ rulings on the related matters didn’t exactly say that), but it can’t be casually discounted.  Additionally,

Doctors and hospitals who refuse to participate could be cut off from some federal funds, and individuals who decline to share sensitive information may have to pay the fines…outlined in the federal health care law.

Regardless of the validity of the concerns in Boehm’s column, people—and doctors—will react to those concerns.  Which raises this set of questions:

What will be the validity of the data collected?  At what rate will patients, to protect their privacy while satisfying (their perception of) the letter of the law, falsify their data—deny drug use to their dermatologist, make up answers to questions about their sex lives?  How will the government reconcile patient-provided data that conflict from their dermatologist to their cardiologist to their GP?

I Wonder

…whether this might be doable in the US.  An English gentleman has a solution to those annoying cold calls from someone, or some robot, wanting to pitch you this or collect your personal information for that.

A man annoyed by cold callers has turned the tables by setting up his own premium rate number which earns him money.

Lee Beaumont said he paid £10 plus VAT to set up his personal 0871 line in November 2011 and has made £300 from calls he has received since.

It certainly has had a useful effect from my perspective:

…fewer calls, falling from up to 30 per month last year to 16 so far this month.
