Biden-Harris Support of Anti-Israel Terrorism Made Manifest

The Biden-Harris administration is emphasizing its dislike of Israel and its support, increasingly untacit, for the terrorist Hamas.

President Biden claimed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not doing enough to secure a hostage deal with Hamas terrorists.

And this, in responding to a reporter’s question while he’s vacationing—again—in Delaware:

Mr President, do you think it’s time for Prime Minister Netanyahu to do more on this issue? Do you think he is doing enough?


I spoke to his [Hersh Goldberg-Polin’s] mom and dad, and we are not giving up. We are going to continue to push as hard as we can. Thank you[.]

Unfortunately, disgustingly, the pressure the “we” of the Biden-Harris administration promises to continue is on Israel. They don’t care that it’s Hamas that’s refusing every deal offered, including those to which Israel has agreed.

It would be better were the energy of that pressure applied to the terrorists and to the terrorists’ backer, Iran, instead.

But this administration, like his mentor’s administration (when Biden was Vice President) before it, actively does not like Israel and, apparently, Jews, to the extent the administration even makes excuses for the terrorists, demanding ceasefires that can only favor Hamas with their implementation.

Free Speech German Style

A Gab user stands criminally accused of…free speech…in Germany. Gab, so far, is standing tall and refusing Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office demand that the social media outlet dox the user so s/he can be hauled before a German court to answer for his “crime.” The user, it seems, called the Leader of Alliance 90/The Greens, Ricarda Lang, fat.

This is from German Criminal Code, Section 186:

disseminat[ing] a fact about another person which is suited to degrading that person or negatively affecting public opinion about that person, unless this fact can be proved to be true [is a crime]….

Here is Lang, in all her bountifully curvaceous glory:

That’s fatter than fat, it seems to me, and her image provides ample proof of the Gab user’s characterization. But telling the truth, even when the truth is proved, seems to be illegal in Germany.

While we’re on the subject of free speech, here’s Section 188:

If…insult (section 185) is committed publicly, in a meeting or by disseminating content (section 11 (3)) against a person involved in the political life of the nation on account of the position that person holds in public life and if the offence is suited to making that person’s public activities substantially more difficult

Never mind that that’s the whole point of public insults against a political personage—especially if the insult turns out to be accurate and not merely contemptuous (which would be legal in any nation whose politicos are not terrified of their own constituents).

But wait—Section 192 the German attitude toward proof that Section 185 otherwise says would exonerate the person.

Proof of the truth of the asserted or disseminated fact does not preclude punishment in accordance with section 185 if the insult results from the form of the assertion or dissemination or the circumstances under which it was made.

Here’s my “form of the assertion or dissemination:” my echo of the Gab user’s characterization of Lang’s physique, repeated from above:

How far Germany has fallen.