Now that He’s Out

Progressive-Democrat President Joe Biden has ended his campaign for reelection. Some, notably Republican Vice Presidential candidate JD Vance, have said that if Biden quits his campaign, he also should resign from office.

I tend to agree with that sentiment, but not from the idea that, as Vance has suggested, if Biden is too unhealthy to run for reelection, then he’s too unhealthy to continue in office for the next six months.

My view is that if Biden resigns soon—this week, maybe—that would make his Progressive-Democrat Kamala Harris the new Progressive President. That, in turn, would give Harris a measure of the power and influence of incumbency for her own election campaign. It’s a question, though, whether the scant four months until election day (especially with early voting starting so early in many jurisdictions) would give her that much of a boost.

It’s a question, too, whether any such boost would be mitigated by her already quasi-incumbency as the sitting Vice President. Sitting Vice Presidents do get elected, vis., George Bush the Elder, but not always, see Hubert Humphrey. On the other hand, Presidents campaigning for the first time after “inheriting” the office due to the departure in one form or another of the prior incumbent, typically don’t get elected, from John Tyler forward. Gerald Ford, who had three years of incumbency not a mere three or four months, is the latest example of that difficulty.

But maybe Biden is too selfish and feeling too much betrayed by those syndicate family members he thought he could trust to make the move. Or maybe he’s stubborn enough to stay in office just to show them they can’t, either, run him out of office.

White House Hatred of Israel

That’s what this Wall Street Journal editors’ lede implies, if the claim is true.

Is US foreign policy on autopilot? On Wednesday we learned the Biden Administration is imposing sanctions on another Israeli while reissuing a sanctions waiver that lets Iran access more than $10 billion in frozen funds. Its priorities reflect a policy that long ago was overtaken by events.

That’s not autopilot. That’s the Biden White House continuing those folks’ long-standing disdain, extending to open hatred, of all things Israeli. Why do they think that way? The position is so irrational—Israel is our only real ally in the Middle East; it’s the only democracy there; the nation is inclusive enough to include Arab citizens and Arab Knesset members; the nation bends over backwards, even today, to avoid civilian casualties in a war inflicted by a terrorist entity for which civilian casualties, even of their own brethren, are the goal—that only those White House persons can answer the question. If they think about it at all.

The editors concluded their piece with this:

[W]e got Iran-backed war and assaults on US forces and commercial shipping. What will it take for Mr Biden and his advisers to recognize their failure and change course?

Maybe Biden, et al., don’t see a need for course correction. Maybe they don’t think their pro-Iran, anti-Israel moves are failures.

What’s at least as bad is the silence from the Progressive-Democratic Party regarding Biden’s moves vis-à-vis Iran and Israel. That the syndicate is so carefully silent suggests its own complicity in this irrational hatred.