Yet Another Excuse by a Progressive-Democrat

Virginia’s Progressive-Democratic Senator Tim Kaine wrote a brief letter to The Wall Street Journal‘s Friday Letters. He had proposed an amendment to the debt ceiling bill that would remove completion of the Mountain Valley Pipeline, and in his letter, he actually claimed this as his rationalization:

I support reforms to the permitting process for energy projects. But cherry-picking one project….

And yet Kaine has proposed zero serious permitting reforms in his tenure in the Senate. Instead, he’s happy to carp from the safety of the sidelines regarding MVP, rather than—since he was proposing an amendment anyway—offering an amendment that would have generalized the MVP “exception.”

Go figure.

“I’m saying when the president does it, that means it’s not illegal”

That’s what President Richard Nixon (R) told David Frost in an interview, those years ago, when Frost asked him about Watergate.

Now, after Progressive-Democratic Party Presidents, guys like Barack Obama and current President Joe Biden, laundered that philosophy through their own agendas, we get to the Progressive-Democrat-run January 6 Committee.

The Democrat-led House Select Committee to Investigate January 6 doctored a key piece of its evidence, adding audio to silent US Capitol Police security footage used to create a dramatic video montage for the opening of its primetime hearings last summer, according to a Just the News review of the original raw footage and interviews.
In at least two instances identified by Just the News, the panel’s sizzle reel that aired live and on C-SPAN last June failed to identify that it had overdubbed audio from another, unidentified source onto the silent footage. Multiple current and former Capitol Police officials as well as key lawmakers and congressional aides confirmed that the closed-circuit cameras that captured the video do not record sound and that it was added afterwards.

And this:

A former spokesman for the January 6 committee told Just the News that the panel was supposed to clearly mark any video that was dubbed with another audio source, and it did so on some occasions in the sizzle reel.

That, though, emphasizes the misbehavior. But marking some videos as dubbed, but not others, the Committee made it seem as though those others were not dubbed, but had audio in the original. It’s hard to believe that Party’s staff were careless or mistaken in this. They knew what they were doing, and they demonstrated the skills necessary to do it.

The depth of the misbehavior:

One video clip from the genuine security footage shows an aerial view of the US Capitol Building without sound as the riot unfolded on January 6. Yet during the hearing the same clip aired with audio of crowd noises.
Another clip shows rioters entering the building through the Senate wing door. Viewers can hear glass breaking and a lot of shouting as the clip played during the hearing, but the Capitol Police and others have confirmed that the genuine and original version of this security footage had no audio.

In any other venue, such misbehavior would be evidence tampering, a very serious felony. However, when members of the Progressive-Democratic Party do it, that means it’s not illegal.

Remember that in 18 months, or so.