The Progressive-Democrats’ Jan 6 Committee

How’s it doing, so far? Aside from its poor viewership, I mean, as real concerns of us average Americans—things like high and increasing gasoline and diesel prices, high and increasing food prices, high inflation generally, loss of control over our southern border, illegal alien penetration into our nation’s interior (with unknown numbers of terrorists among them), the barbarian’s invasion of Ukraine, and on and on—predominate our worries.

Let’s review the bidding.

Congressman Adam Schiff (D, CA) altered text messages between Congressman Jim Jordan (R, OH) and Mark Meadows, then-White House Chief of Staff, and presented his fakery as evidence for the committee.


…Capitol Police caught Massachusetts Democrat Congressman Jake Auchincloss’s (D, MA) chief of staff on security footage defacing posters outside the Capitol complex office of Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R, GA) this spring


…Capitol Police directly disputed allegations House January 6 committee Chairman Bennie Thompson (D, MS) and Vice Chairwoman Liz Cheney (R, WY) made in May that GOP Congressman (GA) Barry Loudermilk led January 6 demonstrators on a reconnaissance mission the day before the Capitol riots

The Capital Police said, on the record, that security footage showed no such thing occurred.


…the committee accused former New York Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik of attending a January 5, 2021, meeting in Washington, DC, to plot to block the certification of 2020 election results. In fact, Kerik was in New York that day, according to phone and toll booth records

It’s Party’s version of the Keystone Kops.

Aside from the Keystone Kops level of performance, all the committee has succeeded in doing is pulling together, sort of, into one place all the old news that the press already has published over the last couple of years, and from the same one-sided aspect as those…publishments.

And none of that reaches to the intrinsically unethical, if not illegitimate under House rules, nature of the J6 Committee. No cross-examination of witnesses is allowed; the committee consists of seven members of the Progressive-Democratic Party and only two members of the Republican Party; and the committee, contrary to 200 years of tradition in addition to those rules, consists of solely of members selected by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), including those two Republicans. The members selected by the Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R, CA), which did not include those two Republicans, were deliberately barred by Pelosi from participating.

Pulling Patriotic Products

Harris Teeter, a supermarket chain, used to sell, among other things, products that were distinctly pro-American—things with slogans like “Give me liberty or give me death” and “America, love it or leave it.”

Then a customer complained about their presence on store shelves—they were insensitive, after all, in light of recent mass shootings. Apparently, being pro-American, being patriotic, is insensitive today. Never mind that slogans like these have been around for decades and all the way back to the runup to our Revolutionary War.

Harris Teeter promptly folded.

Thanks for reaching out. As soon as these items were brought to our attention we put a recall request into place and these items are being removed from all store locations.
We appreciate your concern[.]

Not to be outdone, another person complained to Kroger, a chain of supermarkets and department stores, about the presence on its shelves of coozies with Arms Change, Rights Don’t printed on them. Not to be outdone by Harris Teeter, Kroger promptly folded and pulled the coozies.

Harris Teeter and Kroger may think this is a sound business decision, but it’s likely they’ve badly misread their customer base. In any event, it’s certainly true that the recall is decidedly unpatriotic and amoral.

Maybe it’s time we Americans educated these two store chains about the nature of their customer base by no longer being their customers.