Government-Funded Pre-K Schooling

Vanderbilt University has a longitudinal study of the effects of such a program on children’s academic success through the 6th grade.

Researchers at Vanderbilt University have been running a long-term study on Tennessee’s state pre-K program, following 2,990 low-income children. The program was oversubscribed, so researchers followed applicants who ended up in a program versus those who were turned away. This means all the children had parents motivated to sign them up for pre-K, which makes for a statistically appropriate control group.

The researchers found, in sum,

[C]hildren randomly assigned to attend pre-K had lower state achievement test scores in third through sixth grades than control children, with the strongest negative effects in sixth grade.

A negative effect was also found for disciplinary infractions, attendance, and receipt of special education services, with null effects on retention.

In a spate of academic integrity, the researchers also wrote,

…no distinctive characteristics of the Tennessee program have yet been identified that are a likely explanation for the disappointing findings.

The Wall Street Journal offered one possible explanation:

One theory worth a hearing is that these programs expose children to more rigid academic settings before it is developmentally appropriate.

I offer another possibility, one that is not at odds with the WSJ‘s. It may be that the parents of children who got into the Pre-K program, thinking their children’s future is secured, relaxed their close and constant oversight of their children’s schooling, performance, execution of homework, and so on relative to that of the parents whose children didn’t get in. That parental oversight and supervision also is a Critical Item in children’s academic performance, especially in those first years of school.

Either possibility, especially in combination with the study’s outcome, suggests that, particularly from the Federal level, government funding of grade school programs is at best a waste of taxpayer money.

The study itself can be found behind this paywall.

Ted Cruz is Correct

Senator Ted Cruz (R, TX) has decried the criteria by which President Joe Biden (D) says he’ll select his Supreme Court nominee. Biden has said that his primary criteria for his nominee are that she be black and that she be a woman. Any criterion resembling actual qualification for the office is far down his list, if one is on his list at all. Cruz began with this:

The far Left doesn’t care about the individual, they will pigeonhole you, & they will discriminate based on race.

He continued:

He’s [Biden is] saying to 94% of Americans, “I don’t give a damn about you. You are ineligible.” And he’s also saying, it’s actually an insult to black women[.] If you came and said, “I’m going to put the best jurist on the court” and he looked at a number of people and ended up nominating a black woman he could credibly say, “OK, I’m nominating the person who is most qualified.” He’s not even pretending to say that. He’s saying, “If you’re a white guy, tough luck. If you’re a white woman, tough luck. You don’t qualify.”

The Biden insult to which Cruz referred is Biden saying to women, to blacks, and especially in the present context, to black women and to black women jurists that he thinks they’re not independently capable. They need special handling from Government in order to advance. They need their Liberal White Savior to ride to their rescue.

Tokenism has no place anywhere in America. That includes having no place in our courts and particularly having no place on our Supreme Court.