Training for the New Corporate World

A new cottage industry (here, the cottages are mansions) is springing up.

US companies are turning to programs aimed at preparing women and people of color for corporate board roles in a bid to comply with calls from regulators and investors to diversify their directors.
Law firms, universities, and current directors of companies have launched new or expanded programs over the past few years to coach prospective board candidates, offering training on topics from corporate governance to committee work. Some programs are free or sponsored by companies, while others can cost thousands of dollars.
Sponsors are hoping to broaden the pool of people who are ready to fill board roles….

What are these folks doing to improve things from the ground up—improving the quality of K-12 education (real education, not CRT garbage or other “equity, diversity, inclusive” claptrap)? That’s where the real preparation for the world occurs, and preparation for the peaks of the corporate world will fall out of that.

Absent any of that basic prep aid, all these wonders are doing is virtue-signaling so they can feel good.

Woke DoJ

A Portland ANTIFA…person…has had all Federal criminal charges dismissed, with prejudice, after doing a whole 30 hours of “community service.”

Eva Warner of Beaverton, Oregon, who police said was also known as Joshua Warner, was charged in September 2020 with felony civil disorder.

Her deeds, during the Portland Summer of Riots:

Portland Police said Warner directed a high-powered laser into the eyes of law enforcement officers trying to disperse the crowd. Warner resisted arrest, prompting officers to use force, the DOJ said. A laser pointer was found on Warner.

About a week later, Warner was arrested again and charged with second-degree criminal mischief in connection with another riot.

A week after that, Warner was arrested a third time in connection with yet another riot and charged with interfering with a peace officer and second-degree disorderly conduct.

Each time, too, she was released, with those violent crime charges pending, without bail so she could do those things again.


Scott Erik Asphaug, acting US Attorney for the District of Oregon, filed a motion December 21, 2021, asking the court to “dismiss with prejudice the indictment against (Warner), in the best interests of justice.” The motion noted that the defendant had performed “at least 30 hours of community service.”

Which the court did.

In the best interests of justice? Whose justice? Where is the justice for the victims of Warner’s actions?

This what Biden-Harris/Merrick Garland are doing to our Justice Department.