This one has the advantage of being live and current. The Progressive-Democratic Party has extended its control over the State of California. The results accumulating from the several years of Progressive-Democratic dominance (now outright control) are these. California has
- the highest welfare numbers (a third of all Americans on welfare live in California)
- the largest contingent of illegal immigrants
- a burgeoning homeless population
- onerous regulations on business and private property
- mediocre public schools
- high income taxes (the highest marginal rate is 13.3%) and sales taxes
- a yawning gap between rich and poor
- its own summer blend of expensive gasoline
- bedraggled and crowded roads
- a widely mocked high-speed rail boondoggle
Sadly, it doesn’t get any better than that for California. Or for our United States if the Progressive-Democratic Party makes further gains in 2020 or beyond.