Or are companies just virtue-signaling?
These companies openly allied themselves with the Black Lives Matter organization (which should not be confused with the more honest black lives matter (lower case) movement):
Nike, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Ben & Jerry’s, Nordstrom, Target, and Ulta Beauty
Now, with crime against black Americans spiking—including homicides, and those including killings of children—as BLM and its anti-cop cronies push for, and succeed in getting, police departments defunded, reduced in funding, and police personnel reductions, those companies refuse to discuss their alignment, whether to defend and explain it or to acknowledge their error and correct their alignment. Or even to discuss the matter at all.
Of course, that’s consistent with many of these companies’—Nike, Apple—enthusiastic business dealings with and inside nations like the People’s Republic of China which is committing genocide against its Uighur population, and other of these companies—Ben & Jerry’s—openly siding with Middle East terrorists and reducing or boycotting altogether Israel, and of others—Facebook—just generally favoring censoring political speech.
Criminal behavior is of no interest to these companies—criminals’ dollars matter, too.