Russian President Vladimir Putin is redeploying some of his forces away from the vicinity of Kyiv. He’s also ordering his hordes to lay booby traps that would do Daesh proud. Per Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (as cited by The Wall Street Journal):
[R]etreating Russian forces had placed mines in houses, laid trip wires and booby-trapped corpses.
And this:
The [Bucha, just northwest of Kyiv] city council said a confectionery factory in Bucha had been mined by the Russian military before it departed.
Never mind the lack of military importance of this sort of installation. Certainly, sugar can be used to make a variety of bombs, but to the extent that’s the case, the militarily appropriate act would have been simply to destroy the factory. This was done solely to inflict more civilian casualties.
And at a private residence in Velyka Dymerka, a village just northeast of Kyiv, a returning resident filmed the damage done by Russians:
In a kennel outside, his dog lay dead, apparently shot. “Why would you kill it?”
Because barbarism.