A letter writer in Tuesday’s Wall Street Journal Letters section asked a question regarding Matthew Hennesey’s Electoral College editorial.
48 states are winner-take-all when it comes to electoral votes. With this, it is possible to secure enough electoral votes with only 23% of the national popular vote. Though unlikely, what would the founders say?
Our Founders would say, “So what?” The Electoral College was created explicitly to separate President and Vice President elections from popular votes and to put those elections up to States acting in their own names. One citizen, one vote for nearly all elected offices, but for these two offices, which exist to speak for our nation as a whole, the States united into our nation get the vote: one State, one vote. If there’s to be a change to how Electors in the College are selected, it should be to change that small minority of States who allocate Electors in rough proportion to their citizens’ votes—by House District among other means—to a winner-take-all selection.