Kamala Harris’ Extreme-Left Positions

Progressive-Democrat Vice President and Progressive-Democratic Party Presidential candidate (since last Thursday’s Party-elite online vote of Biden-voted-in delegates) Kamala Harris has taken a number of extreme-left positions. Among them are:

  • In the immediate aftermath of George Floyd’s murder and ensuing Black Lives Matter riots, she supported the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to free a twice convicted rapist and a woman charged with stabbing her friend to death. Only a fraction of the fund’s money was used to free rioters
  • Harris called for ending the cash bail system during her 2020 presidential campaign
  • original co-sponsor of Senator Bernie Sanders’ (I, VT) “Medicare for All” legislation in 2019
  • introduced the Green New Deal legislation with Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D, NY), which could have cost up to $93 trillion wipe out more than 5.2 million jobs
  • co-sponsored a ban on offshore drilling in 2017 and supported banning fracking
  • supported reducing the consumption of red meat nationwide
  • take executive action to ban imports of AR-15 rifles, supported mandatory buyback program for confiscating Americans’ assault weapons
  • In the 2008 DC v Heller, Harris filed an amicus brief as the San Francisco district attorney, arguing that there is no broad constitutional right to gun ownership
  • would be open to increasing the number of justices on the US Supreme Court, endorsed Progressive-Democrat President Joe Biden’s proposal for Justice term limits and a Congressionally mandated Court code of ethics
  • said the record-high gas prices are the “price to pay for democracy”

The list goes on.

It’s easy enough for Harris to claim she’s moderated some of those positions, but it’s also clear that she spoke for what she believed the first time, and her moderating words today come only after the opprobrium she’s caught from the political spectrum’s middle and from the undecided and the independent voters. She’s done nothing to indicate she’s actually changed.