A 21st Century Mugwump

Monica Tranel is a Progressive-Democratic Party candidate for Congress, looking to replace Montana’s Republican Congressman Ryan Zinke. Tranel has bragged about being in the middle on political matters:

…being in the middle is in my DNA. I have no interest in playing party politics. I want to come to the center….

She claims on her Web site,

I’m running for Congress to represent the missing middle—the people who feel invisible, whose voices are not heard, who are not represented in the current political divide.

And she’s proud of her fence-sitting.

She’s also nakedly duplicitous. She’s proud, instead, of her anti-women position regarding biological men in women’s sports. This is the Progressive-Democrat candidate consigning women to invisibility, ignoring their voices, refusing to represent them—contributing, in fine, to the current political divide for her own political profit.

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