Heat Pump Efficacy

I’ve mentioned earlier the level of energy efficacy of heat pumps. Here is an example of the level of fiscal efficacy of heat pumps. The fronted lede:

A two-year project to convert a public housing building to an electrically powered heat pump system is nearing completion on the Upper West Side. The 58-year-old 20-story tower at 830 Amsterdam Avenue (100th Street), part of the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) Frederick Douglass Houses development, is being retrofitted to provide heating, cooling, and hot water for residents—and to serve as a possible template for converting more of the 2,410 buildings NYCHA maintains citywide.

The strewn about and buried lede:

The $28 million project….

…to replace the aging boilers at 830 Amsterdam Avenue with a heat pump system, called variable flow refrigerant, that would deliver heat, hot water, and cooling to the building’s 159 units.

According to my third-grade arithmetic, and using up all my fingers and toes, that works out to $176,100 per unit.

Then there’s this:

If the 830 Amsterdam project is deemed successful, it could be repeated at other buildings operated by NYCHA or private landlords.

Successful by what measure? That’s certainly not a financial success.

Even accounting for the intrinsic fiscal inefficiency of government projects, this is an expensive template; more, it’s just foolish and negligently wasteful. And disastrous for the city’s taxpayers and for those private landlords. And that’s on top of the city’s taxpayers already seeing truly essential services, like policing and facilities for homeless residents (however inefficiently this one is done by a government), severely financially curtailed in favor of another virtue-signal, housing for illegal aliens in the sanctuary city.