The US Navy under this Commander-in-Chief

Iran has seized another oil tanker, this on in the Strait of Hormuz, less than a week after the pirates seized another oil tanker in the Gulf of Oman, just outside the Strait.

A dozen small Iranian naval boats swarmed the 360-yard-long Niovi after it left Dubai en route to the United Arab Emirates port of Fujairah early Wednesday morning, the navy said. The Iranian boats forced the [Panama-flagged] Niovi to reverse course and head toward Iran’s coast.
The seizure came six days after Iranian forces in the Gulf of Oman used a helicopter and boats to seize the Advantage Sweet, a Greek-owned, Marshall Islands-flagged oil tanker bound for Texas.

There’s this, too, for background:

The US Navy said Iran has “harassed, attacked, or interfered” with 15 commercial ships over the past two years.

And all along, the Biden-hobbled Navy stood by and carefully watched.

Apparently President Joe Biden (D) does not agree with former President Thomas Jefferson that pirates must be dealt with…firmly.