Ending Subsidies

President Joe Biden wants to end fossil fuel subsidies, per his budget offering.

I actually partly agree with him on this. But only partly, because he’s only partly ending subsidies—those for fossil fuels. He needs to end—or propose ending; it’s Congress that has to do the deed—all subsidies for any purpose in any industry.

Still he could make a major step forward were he to produce a favorable answer to my question:

Will Biden also end the “green” energy subsidies, or will the Progressive-Democrat continue to insist on picking industrial winners and attacking those industries of which he personally disapproves?



There is a move to relocate the FBI headquarters out of DC. Assuming the FBI should be kept as an institution, which is not at all established given the institution’s corruption, naked political bias, and anti-Catholic (anti-religion generally?) bigotry in its ranks from middle management on up, its relocation out of the Beltway would be good.

However, the two new locations on offer—Fairfax County, VA, and Prince George’s County, MD—are not sufficiently far away. Those areas are just down the street a piece, in the Beltway suburbs.

If the FBI is to be kept on at all, its headquarters needs to be moved out into Middle America, to a small town in, say, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, or Nebraska. Or perhaps in Oklahoma, where the bureau also can deal at close hand with the reservation problems from long-term Congressional negligence that are newly exposed by a recent Supreme Court decision forced by that negligence.