Written Response

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov repeated Russia’s demand for

a written response this week from the US and its allies to Moscow’s request for binding guarantees that NATO will not embrace Ukraine or any other ex-Soviet nations, or station its forces and weapons there.

I have a written response for him.



The Harris half of Biden-Harris, Vice President Kamala Harris (D) has made an impressive claim. She said—and she was serious—that

legislators standing in the way of passing the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act are failing to uphold their oath to defend the Constitution.

She added

I’m not going to absolve—nor should any of us—absolve any member of the United States Senate from taking on a responsibility to follow through on the oath that they all took to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

The Right Reverend Progressive-Democrat Kamala Harris presumes to withhold absolution.

That’s just Progressive-Democratic arrogance.

The Constitution—Art I, Section 4—assigns in clear, certain terms primary responsibility for determining [t]he Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives to each State’s legislature. The changes to those Times, Places, and Manner that are demanded by Party’s Federal level Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act require an Amendment to our Constitution, altering that Art I, Sect 4.

Senators upholding our Constitution when they stand[] in the way of passing those bills being castigated by Harris for not uphold[ing] their oath to defend the Constitution? That’s broad irrationality.

That’s what passes for Party’s politics.