“Not Culturally American”

That’s what April Ryan, CNN’s star news analyst has said about First Lady Melania Trump.

Not culturally American.  Never mind that Melania Trump emigrated to the United States and has enthusiastically embraced our American culture with open arms and all her heart.  She’s as American as it gets.

Since Ryan wants to go there, let’s do.  Who’s really not “culturally American?”  How about ex-First Lady Michelle Obama who never thought well of our country and only claimed pride in it when hubby Barack started gaining ground in the 2008 Progressive-Democratic Party Presidential primaries and she started gaining status?

How about that same hubby who spent his eight years in office playing un-American identity politics, calling cops ignorant, and ridiculing Americans as bitter Bible-clingers and gun-toters?

How about Hillary Clinton, who spent her campaign ridiculing Americans as irredeemably deplorable misogynistic and racist homophobes because they didn’t support her campaign?

And how about April Ryan who insists that a white woman émigré isn’t culturally American?

Ryan’s attitude is disgusting.  And CNN is just as disgusting for condoning such smears by its…associate.

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