Senate Democrat Obstructionism, More of

Present Donald Trump, as many of you are aware, has nominated 10 conservative persons to judgeships in a number of Federal districts and Federal appellate courts.  Senate Progressive-Democrats are, of course, objecting.  One of those nominees (David Stras) is a Minnesota judge nominated to the 8th Circuit.  Senator Al Franken (D, MN) is…concerned…because nobody consulted him on the matter, and he’s threatening to block Stras.  There’s no petty, precious arrogance there.  Mm, mm.  Not a bit.

Senator Dick Durbin (D, IL) is more broadly “concerned.”

[A]s long as we have the [blue-slip] authority, we’ll use it if necessary.

“Blue slip authority” is the courtesy the Senate extends to Senators of the State from which a nominee hales: either of those Senators can issue a “blue slip” that withdraws the nominee from consideration until the slip issuer is satisfied regarding whatever concern led him to issue the slip.

However, the blue slip authority isn’t an authority.  It has no locus in law or Senate rules; it’s merely custom. It’s time for Republicans to move ahead on nominations regardless of any blue slips that might be launched like kites in the winds blowing from the Left.

It’s time to start ignoring the Progressive-Democrats’ knee-jerk #NeverTrumpNoWay attitude and ride over it.

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